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Everything posted by rudolfweber2

  1. Hi, I currently working on an project, implementing a dataadpter to connect to our server, fetching data and displaying them inside jasperstudio. The implementation looks pretty much the same as the com.jaspersoft.studio.data.hive plugin. The only difference I see, is that the DataAdapterImpl.xml is inside my plugin. After debugging i found out, that the following line could not found the DataAdapterImpl.xml inside my plugin. mis = JRLoader.getLocationInputStream(mappingFile); Because it could not be found it throws the following exception Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException: Nested error: org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalExceptionat net.sf.jasperreports.util.CastorUtil.write(CastorUtil.java:378)at net.sf.jasperreports.util.CastorUtil.write(CastorUtil.java:336)at net.sf.jasperreports.util.CastorUtil.write(CastorUtil.java:516)at com.jaspersoft.studio.data.DataAdapterDescriptor.toXml(DataAdapterDescriptor.java:90)at com.jaspersoft.studio.data.DataAdapterManager.cloneDataAdapter(DataAdapterManager.java:185)at com.jaspersoft.studio.data.wizard.DataAdapterWizard.createPageControls(DataAdapterWizard.java:75)at org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog.createPageControls(WizardDialog.java:736) Is this a classpath problem? Maybe i have to use an extensionpoint somehow? Thanks for the help
  2. Possible the same problem as Bug 0004919
  3. The Problem is JRSyntaxSupport::getMethods. The Streamclassloader knows only of the loaded classes from startup and NOT the classes added via Extra > Options > iReport > Classpath. In my point of view this is a bug. Anyway: To solve the problem i added -cp:a myfile,jar to the <ireport>/etc/ireport.conf default_options.
  4. If i am using iReport 3.7.5 it is not possible to use autocompletion inside the Text Field Expression Editor. It works fine for String, Date and Integer and for all classes comming along iReport. But if i use the Ctrl-Space auto-completion for classes i have made it doesen't work inside that Editor. I build a jar file with my classes and added it to the classpath inside Extras > Options > iReport > Classpath. Can someone tell me how to get my one methods displayed inside the editor by using Ctrl-Space? Thanks in advance
  5. You are my men! I found the solution inside the Log (didn't know that there is one ) I had an cast exception and so the field gone. Thanks a lot men
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