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Everything posted by user4jas

  1. I have 3 columns A, B and C from a query that needs to be put into a crosstab. If Column 'A' values go into Row Group, I would want column 'B' values and column C values displayed side by side as column crosstabs and not grouped together . Basically a 1*2 matrix format than a 1*1 matrix format. How do I do this. Thank you Post Edited by user4jas at 05/03/2011 16:11
  2. How do you store the result into the temp table? Thanks
  3. 1. Hello All - With 3 columns "At time" ,"customers out of power","customers restored of power" ,I have 2 bar charts in a multi axis chart (placed in the summary band). Details of chart are: Chart 1. Chart data -series expression (Static value)"customers restored ", (Bar color green) category expn : column "At Time" , value expn : column : "customers restored of power" Chart 2 . Chart data -series expression (Static value)"customers out ", (Bar color Red) category expn : column :"At Time" , value expn : Column : "customers out of power " Isuues : since they have the same Category Expression .The Bar overlaps one another for the same time block and it seems like the parent chart takes precedence . At a given time: i.e 1. if cust restored bar green bar value > cust out bar (red) bar value ,it hides the red bar 2. If cust restored bar(green)value< cust out ,it shows the lesser green projection on the bigger red bar . So here i would want to know if . 1.There is a way to offset any one bar to display the two bars side by side to each other. If there is .Please let me know the code. Thank you
  4. Hello all -I have an issue with the sql listed below .It uses 2 temp tables.The sql works fine in PGADMIN (postgres),but when pasting this in sql editor in ireport 3.5.2 gives out Error message:No results returned for this query. The result i need to pick are from the select stmt way down at the end of this sql. select * from cust_sum; . Thanks for any help or suggestions given out. Code:create temp table tmp_location as(select ai.location as GEOAREANAME, ai.taxdistrict as UTILITYCODE, ai.customers as CUSTOMERSSERVED, sum(a.max_cust_affected) as CUSTOMERSOUT, date(a.etr) as ERD, date_part('hour',a.etr) as ERTfrom ( SELECT i.incidentid, i.incidentname AS incident_id, i.numcustaffected AS cur_cust_affected, i.numcustaffected AS max_cust_affected, date_trunc('hour'::text, e.timevalue + '00:01:00'::interval * i.durationestimate::double precision) + '01:00:00'::interval AS etr, i.starttime AS start_time, s.statuscodename AS site_safety, c.statusdesc AS crew_status, p.prioritycodename AS priority FROM om_incidents i LEFT JOIN om_incidentlocation l ON i.incidentid = l.incidentid LEFT JOIN ( SELECT om_incidenttime.incidentid, om_incidenttime.timeid, om_incidenttime.timevalue, om_incidenttime.timeflag FROM om_incidenttime WHERE om_incidenttime.timeid = 6) e ON i.incidentid = e.incidentid LEFT JOIN om_prioritycodes p ON i.medemer = p.prioritycode::text, om_safetystatus s, om_trblstatuscdes c WHERE i.safetypriority = s.statuscode AND i.verificationlevel = c.statuscde AND i.incidentstatus >= 10 AND i.incidentstatus < 70 AND (i.nopowerflag = 'NP'::text OR i.nopowerflag = 'PP'::text) AND i.servicecall = 'X'::text )as a, om_incidents i, (select distinct c.incidentid,c.taxdist,i.numcust,i.numcustaffected from om_trblcalls c,om_incidents i where c.incidentid= i.incidentid) as c LEFT JOIN ifactor_area_info ai ON 0||c.taxdist = ai.taxdistrict where i.incidentid = a.incidentid and i.incidentid =c.incidentid and ai.state ='NY' group by 0||c.taxdist , ai.location , ai.taxdistrict , ai.customers, date(a.etr), date_part('hour',a.etr ) order by ai.taxdistrict asc );create temp table cust_sum asselect GEOAREANAME , UTILITYCODE , CUSTOMERSSERVED, sum(CUSTOMERSOUT), max(erd) as erd, max(ert) as ertfrom tmp_locationgroup by GEOAREANAME , UTILITYCODE , CUSTOMERSSERVED; select * from cust_sum;
  5. Hello- I am currently working on modifying some jrxml file's property to set "all section no details" when no data type ,in ireport nb 3.5.2.These reports were previously created in ireport 1.3.3. I had modified and complied about a 150 of them a week before .Now i see that the properties have reverted back ,to "No pages". when no data type. . These files are in a folder located in my desktop. I again modified and complied them 2 days ago but the next day after noon,they have been reverted back..The files were copied from my colleague's system and has <defaultvalue expn> pointing to his desktop folder location. ,Could any one please help me with the property change issue?.Thank you. Post Edited by user4jas at 10/15/2009 17:16
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