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Everything posted by bandor

  1. I solved it. The problem was that I forgot to remove the old jasper jar file (jasperreports-1.3.4) so I had two at the same time (3.5.3 and 1.3.4) in the lib-folder on server, when I removed the old one it worked as it should.
  2. Hi, I have defined the Min and Max Value for Range Axis for my bar chart. It works great when I use iReport to create the PDF. As a parenthesis I have selected Java and not Groovy in my report. However when I create the PDF from an application on webserver it does not react on the Min and Max value. What it does is that it uses default values, so the range is not as what I was expecting. I believe it might be some kind of a jar-file that has a class that takes care of the range axis that I might be missing ti export. What is the name of that jar-file? Or the problem might be that the range axis definition is missing in the xml-part. I am not sure. Any suggestion of solving the problem would be great. I use iReport 3.5.3 Best regards
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