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Everything posted by gilclefes

  1. I think if these objects are linked together, one way is to create a new object that contains all the necessary fields from these objects.
  2. Read this article http://gilbertadjin.wordpress.com/2009/08/09/charting-with-jasper-reports/ it will help. Also take note of where you place the chart. It should be placed in the summary band
  3. Hi check http://gilbertadjin.wordpress.com/2009/07/01/inserting-images-from-database-into-jasper-reports/ which shows how to create jasper reports using a dynamic List of Javabean datasource
  4. check this it may help : http://gilbertadjin.wordpress.com/2009/08/09/charting-with-jasper-reports/
  5. check the solution from here http://gilbertadjin.wordpress.com/2009/07/01/inserting-images-from-database-into-jasper-reports/ hope it helps, feel free to send your comment on this blog post Post Edited by gilclefes at 10/09/2009 17:09
  6. i'm trying to display a table in my ireport without predifined fields. I have a string parameter. i want to format the content of the string as html tags. Even though i'm using the <td></td> tags , i get only one(1) column when i display my report instead of 4 this what i'm doing String[][] data1 = { {"N263Y", "T-11", " 39 ROSCOE TRNR RACER", "R1830 SERIES"}, {"N4087X", "BA100-163", "BRADLEY AEROBAT", "R2800 SERIES"}, {"N43JE", "HAYABUSA 1", "NAKAJIMA KI-43 IIIA", "R1830 SERIES"}, {"N912S", "9973CC", "PA18-150", "R-1820 SER"} }; String data = ""; data = "<html><head><metacontent=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\" http-equiv=\"content-type\">" + "<title></title></head><body><tablestyle=\"text-align: left; width: 200px;\" cellpadding=\"2\"cellspacing=\"2\"><tbody>"; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { data = data + "</tr>"; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { data= data + "<td>" + data1[j] + "</td>"; } data = data + "</tr>"; } data = data + "</tbody></table><br></body></html>"; the i pass the data variable as a parameter. The markup is "HTML"
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