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Posts posted by jasemilly

  1. Hi I am running jasper server ce 3.7.0


    I have configured the js.quartz.properties file to allow the emailing and scheduling of reports, I have used telnet and SMTP to test my username etc and have sent a test email no problem, but when I try and schedule a report and email it I get the following error which I don't understand.


    Mail server connection failed; nested exception is javax.mail.MessagingException: Can't send command to SMTP host;
    nested exception is:
     javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
            at org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl.doSend(JavaMailSenderImpl.java:419)
            at org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl.send(JavaMailSenderImpl.java:342)
            at org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl.send(JavaMailSenderImpl.java:338)
            at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.ReportExecutionJob.sendMailNotification(ReportExecutionJob.java:1259)

    It's a ms exchange server I am trying to speak to, but should that be an issue for simple SMTP???


    any thoughts or ideas much appreciated.



  2. Hi

    A little puzzled on this one, I have a report that shows sales for a person this year with a total and then another group for last year and a total.


    What I can't figure out maybe I am been a little daft, is how to subtract the group totals, and display this value in the summary band?

    thanks if anyone can help


  3. I have a dashboard that I have set up as a home page for a user the factory manager.  Is it possible to pass his username and password in the url so that his dashboard appears.  I could then refresh the url every 15 minutes and he would have the latest information on the factory?



  4. Hi

    Could anyone point me in the right direction for documentation on how to use the API????


    I would like to make my own custom page that would refresh a report say every 15 minutes.  I believe i need to create a page in php and reference the API.  Could anyone tell me if I am on the right lines. Pretty new to web development and if any guides or examples exist ???


    For any help

  5. I have used the user as apposed to roles, to control access to various folders. Using the role, does that mean when the person logs in there dashboard appears straight away they don't have to select anything?
  6. I removed the demo user sometime ago!!!!


    I have created some dashboards, it's the repository I would like to disappear and thinking about it would you use the scheduler to update the dashboard?




  7. Hi

    I have added the jar file to the classpath.  I have a few enteries for the jtds jar file, as after much reading in the forum.  It seems that this problem is encountered often.

    I found a few enteries regarding the JAR file needing to be in certain folders so I created the folders or copied the files straight to the folder and created an entry in the class path?


    Some people seem to have this working and some people really seem to struggle.  will the same file referenced in different folders in the classpath cause a problem?


    I find the missing driver error very strange since I have only ever used this driver and have lots of reports all working.

    feel I am very close to solving this but at the same time feel it feels along way to go.



    Jase milly


  8. I have changed the value expression to java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://","sa","area51")


    But I am been told, Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://


    how can I have no suitable driver when I only connect to a sql db and use this driver.

  9. Hi I am trying to create a report that contains a subreport with a different data source.  I am struggling in achieving this.


    In my master report I have created a parameter called

    SubDataSource with a parameter class of java.sql.Connection

    Default value expression of net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://","sa","area51")


    when I work throught subreport wizard, I select use another connection for the datasource and populate it with the SubDataParameter

    the report fails to preview and I have attached the log.


    what am I doing wrong???


    I have a datasource called DW and the value expression is copied from there.


    Is it possible to display the value of REPORT_CONNECTION, I could then display what the correct format for this value should be.





  10. Hi have created a list element that appears perfectly fine in ireport preview but when the webpage preview comes up the list element doesn't show.


    For the datasource I have specified use connection expression.  Is their something else I need to specify for the web page??



  11. I have created a dahboard with Gauges that works well, it counts how many items have been made through the day.  What I would like to do is change the colour of the needle dynamically.  I could then work out if they are on target for that days production.

    I would then change the needle between green and red to show how they are performing.




  12. Hi I was just wondering if this is possible and if so if someone could point me in the direction I need to be looking at.

    Is it possible to hide the repository completly?


    ie go to specfic site enter your username and password and your default dashboard would appear.


    What I would like to do is create a dash board for my directors and all they see is the dashboard nothing else and have the board refresh every 15 minutes?




  13. Hi I have a report that works fine and I am trying to include a subreport.  This subreport works fine in it's own right.

    the two reports have different datasources, when I try to view the report I get the following error


    I have set connection type, use a connection expresion

    I have entered


    "java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://, sa, area51)"


    as the connection expresion.


    I am unsure what else to do. 





    Caused by: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object 'C:\IReportScreated\Sub_report_ReturnsDriver_PieChart.jasper' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport
  14. Hi

    I have several rep's using the same report and I filter the results using loggedInUser.

    Each rep can filter the report by a user control that currently displays every single customer, regardless of which rep is responsible.


    Is it possible to filter on the username within the Jasper front end.




    have a text box were the type their ID and then filter the dropdown box as a type of cascade??

    thanks in advance jasemilly.

  15. Help!!!


    I have been creating user conrtols in jasperserver for a longtime

    But if I create any select query ones today for the user select their criteria I get the above error.  All existing controls work fine, just any new ones I create I have copied existing controls and the problem appears.


    I cant see what I have done and nothing has changed no updates or patches or config changes!!!  I feel I am going mad.


    any help appreciated.




  16. I have created a report for our reps where they filter on their own customers.  The report filters on the loggedInUser from the repository.


    What I would like to do is, in the user control that holds a list of customers, is filter on the loggedInuser, so the rep can only see their customers as apposed to scrolling through everyone's.


    How do I do this??????




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