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Posts posted by jasemilly

  1. Hi Elizam I had that vey thought this morning and thought would be succesful.  I created a simple script in buildomatic folder that call js-export with arguments.  executed it in the terminal all worked perfectly.  I changed the cron job to run this script.  It ececutes my script but still has build.xml issue.

    so this must be some form of permission

  2. Hi I can backup the repo from the command when in the buildomatic folder like with this command

    js-export.sh --everything --output-zip jas1.zip  

    all works great, when I try to create a cron job nothing happens can anyone shed any light please???


    40 15 * * * /home/jason/jasperreports-server-cp-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic/js-export.sh --everything --output-zip jas1.zip


    I have put a log on the cron job the result it is returning is

    INFO: No bundled ant found (../apache-ant or ../../apache-ant). Using existing antBuildfile: build.xml does not exist!Build failed[/code]


    I am more confused as CRON is firing why would is say BUILD.XML doesn't exist when I can copy the command into buildomatic folder and run it perfectly fine?





  3. Hi guys I am looking to upgrade from 4.1 to 6.3 yes it's been a long time coming.

    I found this link on the upgrade process


    however my buildomatic folder doesn't contain scripts that contain the word upgrade let alone

    ./js-upgrade-newdb-ce.sh <path>/js-5.5-export.zip

    I am running jasperserver 6.4 on a ubuntu machine,  just in the process of developing my upgrade path.



  4. Hi

    Been running jasperserver 4.X, on a ubuntu box, for sometime no problem.  I created a report today and was creating the input filters when I ran the report I was getting a out of memory error.  I didn't understand why and decieded to reboot the machine.

    When the machine came back up I couldn't logon to the webpage I get a Error Code 10061: Connection refused

    When I logon onto the box and I try to stop the jasperservice I get the error

    Catalina.stop: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect


    I have attached a detailed screen capture:




    I have no idea whats wrong or where to begin. Would be very greatful if anyone can assist.




  5. Hi

    I recently upgraded from version 3.7 to 4.1

    I have a report that I have embed the URL to a report along with the username and password into a page and put a refresh every 30 minutes on the page, this used to work great!!!


    Since the update on INTERNET EXPLORER it goes to load the report(it starts to egg time) and then bounces back to the logon page.

    In Firefox it works great!!!  I know I could just just use Firefox but the user has a real need for it to be IE.

    Is there anything I can change in jasperserver settings to allow this.


  6. Hi I have created a CRON job to back up my repo.  using the following statement, it shows in the syslog as running, and the export command works when I manually enter it.  I am at a loss as why my zip file isn't created.  Could anyone tell me where to look next or what I am doing wrong??




    44 16 * * * /home/jason/jasperrerorts-server-cp-4.1.0/buildomatic/js-export.sh –everything –output-zip 123.zip

  7. Hi I am making a new jasperserver box.

    I have downloaded version 4.1.0 of jasperserver putting it on a older machine.  I need this to speak to ms sqlserver, so I downloaded JTDS-1-3-1.jar, now when I try and create the connection i get a massive error the only part I can understand is java.lang unsupported class version error, should I be looking for something specific in the error.  Or is the version of jasperserver and JTDS not compatible, if so can someone recommend a better mix?




    here is the error log thanks



  8. Trying to create a backup using command

    ./js-export.sh --everything --output-zip jasbckup

    the error I am getting is ERROR ZipFileOutput:93 - java.io.FileNotFoundException

    This is the first line error so am thinkning the main problem

    jasbckup does exist.

    What can I do??


    thanks for any help



  9. Hi


    Does anyone know if I can install Jasperserver on a QNAP nas box?

    I run one at home for basic home stuff but thought it would be good for creating my own development area?

    Any articles or tutorials that I could use would be great!!




  10. HI I have installed version 5 on a UBUNTU, machine for comparing Jasperserver against, version 3.7 which has been running for a few years now.


    I have downloaded and extracted JTDS-1.2.5.jar into the WEB-IBF/lib folder. restarted the service.

    Then I have created a new datasource to speak to the sql database the same as my datasource in my original machine.

    When I do a test connection it says failed and in the log file it says connection timed out, what else needs altering I have checked my Data source settings a few times, but I would get an enrror other than timeout if I had misplelled something??



    for any help.


  11. HI I have downloaded the cp-5 of jasperserver to have a look at on a box running centos 6.2.  I downloaded 32bit file and have changed the properties of the file to execute by right clicking on the file in the GUI.


    In the gui when I double click the file nothing happens, same thing at a terminal.

    Unsure where to look what logs to look at as I get no error message of any sort.

    A month or so ago I downloaded 4.7 on ubuntu and I didn't have any issues what so ever.

    what can I do?




  12. Hi

    I have followed the example for js-export.bat but get the error command not found I am in the correct folder and can see js-export.bat


    the command I am tying is


    js-export --everything --output -zip backup.zip


    thanks for any help

  13. It's half an idea I have our rep's have ipads and can log onto jasperserver and view thier reports I would like to create a webpage that pulled a dashboard or a couple of reports have it look nice and use all the space, maybe pull a few other things as well for them form different sources weather, traffic etc so would like to pull the report itself with none of the surronding images etc.



  14. Hi

    Is this possible, Can I create my own webpages that pull reports through without showing the jasperserver presentation?  I have embeded a couple of reports into web pages.  I would like to create a couple of dasgboards for users and need as much space as possible and uncluttered?


    Could any point me at any how to's etc.




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