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  1. Puhhh, I have a quite tricky question - which I didn't formerly consider to be such tricky and I am not sure if it should be solved within the SQL-query or within the report design. Ok, I'll try to explain: The possibility should be given, that the report can be called with the transmission of one parameter or two parameters. Within the report should be checked if the second parameter has been passed or not. Both parameters are conditions for the where-clause within the major query which would imprise to create two subselects. The style of the report should remain the same for both selects. The idea I had was to check within an expression if the second parameter is filled, creating two different subselects within the from-clause for the two cases and aliasing them. This alias I wanted to put into a parameter or variable, after having checked if par2 has been passed or not, and integrate it into the select-columns - part - but maybe this cannot work. I couldn't solve it with the sql-statement, because if you use case or if (I'm using MySQL), you just can select one column for each case and I have a lot of columns to display. Does anybody have some solution for this case? Greetings starlight
  2. Hey Matt, thanks a lot. Meanwhile I found another solution - I focused more on the sql-part. I use a MySQL-connection and with the term "group_concat(' ',var_name)" it worked out too. So the results are all written in one column. Greetings
  3. This would be a kind of solution, but I don't know how to use sth. like currentValue + nextValue?
  4. Does absolutely no-one have an idea? Just to be sure, that my question is declarative enough, is it not possible to present a resulted list of data of one column: test1 test2 test3 comma-separated next to each other with any option that ireport offers? test1,test2,test3
  5. Ok, I got it. "Stretch with overflow" + if the field is framed, with the option Stretchtype "Relative to tallest Object" the frame will also be adjusted. ;-).
  6. Hi, my question is how to definitely define the size of a field to be adjusted when the result of a query is larger than the formerly designed size of the field. Meaning the size of the field should be adjusted in this way that it's hight will be increased. I already made use of the "PDF 508 Tags"-"Table Detail"-"Full" - option which works out for some of my fields but not for all. I also recognized that, if you specify a pattern for this field, the size will not be adjusted anyway. Is there somebody who could help me up with this topic? Thx a lot!!!
  7. Hello everybody, I have to recreate a report which formerly had been filled manually and I wanted to try it out with ireport. I simply don't know how to display the results which have been returned by the sql query in form of a comma-separated list. I already tried it with the list component, but as I can see it, it is not possible to determine the look of the list. Please let me know, is there any way to realize this? Thx a lot in advance.
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