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Everything posted by nice2cu

  1. nice2cu


    i am realy total new with iReport and also with Java. i need one .jrxml example how it looks when i have one parameter example start with 1 and count to 50. Result should be an String that looks like this 000001 Where i can find how to do this? Greetings
  2. i get only an login.html;jsessionid=5C9CE1BF55E507ECF15A454CB208E591 file. I look inside this file and it is the Loginsite rom Jasperserver. :-( I also try it with --http-user=username --http-password=userpw I use the same statement in firefox and get the PDF.
  3. I have the same problem. I need for us a solution for create with Jasperserver a simple 128 Barcode. I get success with barbecue-1.5-beta1.jar but i am not happy with theme bacaus i can't change the hight from this barcode with iReport. Any ideas? Greeting. Post Edited by nice2cu at 10/08/2009 14:58
  4. I want use this iReport Version to create Barcodes. But the problem ist, when i upload this .jxml fles to the Jasperserver i get the Error "The selected Jrxml could not be parsed." Okay, i save the iReport in compatibilitymode but what .jar files from iReport into Jasperserver lib????
  5. Hello, i am wondering about this Barcode thema. I find on other sites and here some solutions how to genereate Barcodes with iReport and Jasperserver. I use now the barbecue-1.5-beta1.jar and add this to classpath. All working fine but this Barcode is not high enough and it is not possible to change this. On Jasper HP always standing something about IReport and Barcode Support but i find not a Solution how?!?!? By the way, u use IReport 3.5.0 and JasperServer 3.5 (all community) Please help i must finish this project and hang on this thema now long time :-(
  6. ufff, i have total not expiriences with this. what it that and how i can create this?
  7. Hi, i make an Application with Oracle APEX and make an HTML tunnel from APEX to JASPER Server to print invoices. What i want, in the invoices table the invoices have an Status PRINTED=0 With iReport query i open this not printet invoices and generate an PDF. So, all is nice working :-) But i want that i want an SQL UPDATE statement in iReport (later jasper server) to set this PRINTED=1 Did anybody hnow how i can do this?????? Greetings, Robert
  8. Hi i want download a report from a shellscript with wget. http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8081/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/reports/HZLOG/automatik_rechnung&output=pdf&j_username=user&j_password=pw but i not get a working PDF. When i store this URL in Firefox i get the Report. What is going here wrong? Greetings
  9. Hi all! I successfully install JasperServer Community Edition together with Tomcat and Oracle XE and an APEX application and alls seemt so me work fine. SO i have a feature in this Apex application, i want print invoices with Press one Button in APEX. This open an Jasperreport with Parameters and open this in my WEB Browser. The User now must say again Print in Acrobat, that is not realy nice :-( Exist one solution where it is possible to print automatic this PDFs? I have in the Database on switch where you can ask if the PDF ist print or not. So i make an Batch Job every minute and this create the PDF. But i want to print this PDF on one printer...... Please help!
  10. i find the problem, it was this APEX application who store all length from field with blank...
  11. So, i have a for me strange problem. I am new in Jasper, i use now Jasperreports and for Design i use iReport. I habe the problem that i want put one line "Bemerkung" and this line was made with some database fields like this HERSTELLER."NAME"||' '||HERSTELLER_TYP."NAME"||' '||WMZ_ANSCHL."NAME"||' '||WMZ_SPANNV."NAME"||' '||WMZ."DURCHFL" AS BESCHREIBUNG Now i see only HERSTELLER."NAME" after this a big hole and when i made the texfield long enough i see also the rest. But is not okay. It should look like this: Kamstrup; Multical MC401; Flansch DN 40; Versorgung: 230V; M-Bus Durchfluss: 1,5m³/h; Länge:110mm What can i do to do this? Greetings, Robert
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