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Everything posted by federico.cattozzi

  1. I have scheduled a report on JS to run every 1 minute, output format is HTML and I have permitted overwriting. Url of the report output file doesn't change, so I could insert this meta in HTML Header: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5"> Angusmiller's solution doesn't works for scheduled reports. Schedule uses default HTML Header hardcoded in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRHtmlExporter class. Post Edited by helyair at 12/23/2009 14:19
  2. I have scheduled a report on JS to run every 1 minute, output format is HTML and I have permitted overwriting. Url of the report output file doesn't change, so I could insert this meta in HTML: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5"> There is a way to do this? Thank you. Post Edited by helyair at 12/22/2009 14:35
  3. I'm interested about: * Multiple Scriplets per Report and Report Governors - JasperReports now allows multiple scriplet instances per report template. Some such scriptlets can be declared globally to act as report governors, preventing invalid report layouts from causing infinite loops when the report is filled. JasperServer also provides default governor implementations that limit report execution based on a maximum number of pages and/or timeout. Where are "maximum number of pages and/or timeout" properties?
  4. I reply to myself. The problem is caused by the code here below: Code: <parameter name="LoggedInUser" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User" isForPrompting="false"/> <parameter name="USERNAME" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[$P{LoggedInUser}.getUsername()]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter>
  5. Environments involved: Windows Xp iReport 3.6.1 JasperServer 3.5It's happened twice that after I have opened "Report query" window and edited the query, "Read fields" and "Send to clipboard" buttons didn't work anymore for that single report, also if I restart Windows. It's strange bug, that report seems to be not corrupted because it works fine on JasperServer. See the attached image, please.
  6. Hi, i read in JS 3.0 Release Notes that there is a way to internationalize Input Controls: Internationalization of Input Controls - A report's input control labels can reside in the report's resource bundles. In this case, Users will see these labels in their preferred locale. Where I have to put what? I know that if I want internationalization for JS interface I have to modify files in ...\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\bundles instead if I want internationalization for reports content I have to add *.properties files in JS repository, but I have no idea how to do internationalization of Input Controls. Also it's possible to internationalize Display Name and Description in the reports list? Thank you.
  7. helyair Wrote: My system: JS 3.5 Windows Xp (Italian version) Firefox (English) I have uploaded in JS two bundle files: "reports_properties.properties" (with default english translation) and "reports_properties_it.properties". If I log in JS with english locale (en) I see $R{...} on the reports translated to italian and not to english. Why? I reply to myself: I have understood what swood was saying: JS doesn't use "reports_properties.properties" like default bundle for languages without their property file, but it uses the default language of the browser (or of the OS?). However you have to make a property file for every language which you want to suppport, in my case I have created also a "reports_properties_en.properties" file for english.
  8. My system: JS 3.5 Windows Xp (Italian version) Firefox (English)I have uploaded in JS two bundle files: "reports_properties.properties" (with default english translation) and "reports_properties_it.properties". If I log in JS with english locale (en) I see $R{...} on the reports translated to italian and not to english. Why?
  9. I thought to use both of them, but I wanted to print query on demand on the report to spare writing it in end-user's documentation. If I have two place to synchronize I return to the start of the problem. There is no solution :) Thank you
  10. I use jEdit software and BeanShell scripting language built-in it to do multiple text replacements. It's useful also in this case to convert query from <queryString> format to java compliant format. The script below can be used as macro in jEdit, but you have to test it for your code. Code:// This is a recorded macro. First, check over the// commands to make sure this is what you intended. Then,// save this buffer, and the macro should appear in the// Macros menu..//add quotes before and after every line and carriage return "\n" for pretty printSearchAndReplace.setSearchString("^(.*)$");SearchAndReplace.setReplaceString("\"\\\"\" + _1 + \"\\\\n\\\"+\"");SearchAndReplace.setBeanShellReplace(true);SearchAndReplace.setIgnoreCase(false);SearchAndReplace.setRegexp(true);SearchAndReplace.setSearchFileSet(new CurrentBufferSet());SearchAndReplace.replaceAll(view);//add necessary characters to un-comment every parameter (P and P! are converted differently)SearchAndReplace.setSearchString("\\$P(!?)\\{([\\w\\_]*)\\}");SearchAndReplace.setReplaceString("_1 != null && _1.equals(\"!\") ? \"\\\"+$P\" + \"{\" + _2 + \"}\" + \"+\\\"\" : \"\'\\\"+$P\" + \"{\" + _2 + \"}\" + \"+\\\"\'\"");SearchAndReplace.setBeanShellReplace(true);SearchAndReplace.setIgnoreCase(false);SearchAndReplace.setRegexp(true);SearchAndReplace.setSearchFileSet(new CurrentBufferSet());SearchAndReplace.replaceAll(view);//remove last characters of the query added by last replacementSearchAndReplace.setSearchString("(.*)\\\\n\"\\+\\z");SearchAndReplace.setReplaceString("_1 + \"\\\"\"");SearchAndReplace.setBeanShellReplace(true);SearchAndReplace.setIgnoreCase(false);SearchAndReplace.setRegexp(true);SearchAndReplace.replaceAll(view);//convert tabs to "\t" for pretty printSearchAndReplace.setSearchString("\\t");SearchAndReplace.setReplaceString("\"\\\\t\"");SearchAndReplace.setBeanShellReplace(true);SearchAndReplace.setIgnoreCase(false);SearchAndReplace.setRegexp(true);SearchAndReplace.replaceAll(view);
  11. Thank you, I don't think about this solution. So I have defined a new parameter QUERY with default expression similar to the query which was in <queryString> tag and I have put "<![CDATA[$P!{QUERY}]]>" in <queryString>, and all works. If you work with iReport you lose some features of the "Report Query" window using this solution and all becomes less maintainable.
  12. Yes, i have just found the solution and i have resolved another problem, read carefully my last post.
  13. Hi, I would know if there is a way to print text of the query directly on the report to give to the user more info. I suppose that if I defined query outside the report, JS send to it only the JRResultSetDataSource without the query. Suggestions?
  14. Sorry, i hadn't create LoggeInUser parameter but only the second parameter that use it. I named the second parameter USERNAME. I have discover that if you put USERNAME, before LoggeInUser, it's impossible for it to read LoggeInUser parameter. I think that the order of parameters is the order of instantiation. When I read USERNAME, LoggeInUser wasn't instantiated yet. Read the correct code here below: Code: Post Edited by helyair at 11/06/2009 10:05
  15. I have coded like Gaby38 but LoggedInUser seems to not exist. When I attemp to run the report JS3.5 says: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Report design not valid : 1. Parameter not found : LoggedInUser Is there a part in the docs where I can find a list of all JS' built-in parameters?
  16. JasperServer's tracker http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/tracker/view.php?id=4346 iReport's tracker http://jasperforge.org/projects/ireport/tracker/view.php?id=4345
  17. Yes, your solution can work. However i have posted the issue on JasperServer's Tracker to have their opinion. Perhaps they could implement the feature quickly. This is the link http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/tracker/view.php?id=4346 Thanks a lot to you.
  18. Sorry, you are in the truth, not even JasperServer permits the reordering of the Input Controls, so this feature can't be available throught webservice. Do you want that I post the issue on JasperServer's tracker?
  19. You say the truth, but if i create a local input control (also with data type - query sql, list of vales, etc... -) inside the report, i have to re-create it if i want to modify the input controls' order. This is insane, but also it's too long to link external input controls as references. I have about 30 reports to do and i have some common input controls shared among the reports and others that must be defined local.
  20. Hi, i use JasperServer 3.5 itself and throught iReport, but i haven't found a way to change the Input Controls' display order after you have created them. I think that the position's property of the Input Controls is the "control_index" column of "jireportunitinputcontrol" table in jasperserver mysql db, but it's insane change these values by hands.
  21. "output": (optional) specifies the desired report output format. If it is not present or html is used as value for the parameter, the default JasperServer report viewer is used as output. Other values for this parameter are given by the report exporters configured in JasperServer. By default, JasperServer recognizes the following output types: pdf for PDF, xls for Excel, rtf for RTF, csv for CSV and swf for the JasperServer Flash report viewer. By JasperServer's User Guide, 3.1.2 Running a report through direct URL Post Edited by helyair at 09/24/2009 07:45
  22. Hi, i use JasperServer 3.5 on Tomcat for 30 reports and i need to use custom environment properties, like JASPERSERVER_URL to link reports also after pdf exporting. In this moment i use "resourceBundle" attribute in every report and a properties file loaded on JasperServer as resource, but this file is exported automatically when i export-import reports from development environment to testing environment so i have to backup it first on testing environment and to re-import it after deployment. Can i use custom properties file at Tomcat level in some way? Any other ideas? Thanks Post Edited by helyair at 09/22/2009 12:04
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