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Everything posted by federico.cattozzi

  1. Importing my reports from JS 3.5 to JS 3.7.1 or 4.1 I think to have found a bug on instantiation of the built-in parameter REPORT_MAX_COUNT. Im my reports a user can choice REPORT_MAX_COUNT number from a "Single Select List of Values". This works always in JS 3.5, but in JS 3.7.1 or 4.1 doesn't work if in the same form "Cascading Input Controls" are present. If I remove them report runs, but links inside it that send REPORT_MAX_COUNT to other reports don't work. See attacched images to understand the two errors.
  2. The order of Parameters is important. Read this case: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=42807&page=3#66420
  3. It could be useful a option like "--delete" for the command "js-import" to remove useless resources from repository: js-import --delete --input-zip=myReports.zip
  4. I don't understand if you are using JasperServer or a your "web app". If you are using JS, you can't generate report output into a zip file, but you can use a OS scheduled task that calls "js-export" to export them into a zip file when you want.
  5. On Windows I have js-export and js-import under ...\jasperserver-ce-3.7.0\scripts.
  6. What are you saying? I don't see options on JS to save report output into a filesystem directory, but only into JS repository. You can schedule an OS task that calls js-export daily on a single report output or directory.
  7. From JasperServer 3.5: Select a report -> click Edit -> Controls & Resources -> Controls Layout From iReport: Right click on a Report Unit -> Properties -> Other -> Controls Layout
  8. I use Joda, it's so funny! new org.joda.time.DateMidnight().minusWeeks(1).toDate() Read this.
  9. Do you know js-import and js-export utilities? From Command Line you can export everything from JS Repository to file system: js-export --uris=path_on_JS_repository --output-dir=dir_on_filesystem js-export --uris=path_on_JS_repository --output-zip=zip_on_filesystem Read JasperServer User Guide, pages 51-52. Schedule a OS task using js-export utility. Post Edited by helyair at 02/10/2011 08:05
  10. Do you know js-import and js-export utilities? From Command Line you can export everything from JS Repository to file system: js-export --uris=path_on_JS_repository --output-dir=path_on_filesystem or import. Read JasperServer User Guide, pages 51-52. Post Edited by helyair at 02/10/2011 07:59
  11. "_ScheduledTime" doesn't work for me! I have: 1. defined a new parameter <parameter name="_ScheduledTime" class="java.util.Date"/> 2. created a new Input Control named "_ScheduledTime" 3. scheduled new job for the report I try to print $P{_ScheduledTime} on the report, but it is "null". Why?
  12. iReport saves useless data into jrxml, read this. If you want to be sure to do not consider iReport properties into your comparisons add the code below to the script. Code: Post Edited by helyair at 01/20/2011 09:44
  13. Check attached images. It works for me. Anyway I'm sharing my code here below. Save it as myscript.sh and execute it using this command: bash myscript.sh "directory_path" Code: Post Edited by helyair at 12/16/2010 00:47
  14. Yes! If you read exception you will see that iReport can not find the JasperServer ...User class because it is not present on iReport classpath, so if you upload jrxml on JasperServer all will work!
  15. I had the same problem to version reports and i solved it with a script. I had to version my reports on IBM Rational ClearCase, but every export/import was different due to some values into jrxml and into other xml files, so also if two files were the same, everytime CC creates a new version of them. If you use iReport, it writes some useless properties into jrxml, read this to remove them. My script does it: export all reports from JasperServer into a dir (not a zip file) overwrite all <version> and <creationDate> tags into all *.xml files in all sub-directories with default values, I chose respectively "0" and "2010-01-01T00:00.000+00:00" (I used a sed command with Cygwin on Windows XP) now exported files and versioned files are different only for file timestamps (creation/modification date) and for real changes. To copy only files really changed into versioning directory I use a rsync command that compare files only using their checksum.If you want only to do a easy compare try diff softwares like WinMerge (freeware for Windows). With WinMerge: export all reports from development environment into a directory export all reports from production environment into another directory open WinMerge click on File -> Open... select Left (development ) and Right (production ) directories and click OK. You will see all differences between every pair of files Go to Tools -> Filters... and Linefilters tab create two line filters (New, write and Save and finally click OK): <version>(.*)</version> <creationDate>(.*)</creationDate> Go to Edit -> Options -> Compare -> "File Compare method:" and select "Full Contents" instead of "Quick Contents" Refresh view with F5
  16. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/523038/query-filtered-loggedinusergetusername
  17. How does "Add another detail band" work? It is possible to create many Detail bands (Detail 1, Detail 2, ...) in iReport 3.7, but JasperServer 3.5 does not print them. Why?
  18. Is it a practicable to create a new option that permits to view XML code of an object from Designer view? I imagine this: user selects an object in Designer view user clicks the right mouse button on the object A new option "View as XML" is present user clicks on this button and iReport opens XML view with the object's code selectedThank you
  19. I didn't think that Groovy was so powerful! I use Joda, a Java framework for dates. If i have to filter rows by a date I use a parameters as DATE_FROM. The default value for DATE_FROM can be: new org.joda.time.DateMidnight().minusDays(365).toDate() or new org.joda.time.DateMidnight().minusYears(1).toDate() Joda is very useful to work with dates on a single line of code. You can add Joda's jar to iReport or Tomcat/JasperServer classpath.
  20. Thank you! giulio Wrote: ... About report unit and url, these are stored when you download a report from Jasperserver. They are used to update the input controls when you update the parameters. Giulio I'm sorry, but I can not think which piece of the input control can be altered depending on the parameter. Can you explain it to me more clearly? I have noticed these properties only recently. Grazie Giulio, sei sempre disponibile ;)
  21. Hi,I have to version reports' files but iReport saves useless and variable data into jrxml.For example: ireport.x, ireport.y and ireport.zoom are properties that regulate report visualization into iReport.I don't want saves new version of the report every time that one of these properties changes.Unfortunately iReport recreates these properties if I delete them. Is there a way to prevent this behavior? Sometimes iReport adds also ireport.jasperserver.reportUnit and ireport.jasperserver.url properties.What is their use? Code:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jasperReport xmlns="..."> <property name="ireport.zoom" value="1.0"/> <property name="ireport.x" value="45"/> <property name="ireport.y" value="0"/> <property name="ireport.jasperserver.reportUnit" value="..."/> <property name="ireport.jasperserver.url" value="..."/>...</jasperReport>
  22. swood Wrote: What you are after is what we call "cascading input controls". There is no solution for this right now, but we are looking to package up some extensions to JasperServer you can add to do this. Sherman Jaspersoft Is there any news?... I have tried to use $P{LoggedInUsername} on a input control query. Query runs correctly, but every browser (Safari, Firefox, IE) gives same error. See image below. Update: this error occurs only on JS 3.7, it doesn't occur on JS 3.5. Post Edited by helyair at 08/30/2010 13:16 Post Edited by helyair at 08/30/2010 13:38 Post Edited by helyair at 08/30/2010 16:01
  23. If you have many reports and many input controls to translate, following query can be used on JS MySQL db to print all input control definitions: Code:mysql> SELECT DISTINCT -> concat('net.sf.jasperreports.prompt.label.', c1.name,'=',c1.label) as input_name -> FROM -> jasperserver.jireportunitinputcontrol a -> INNER JOIN jasperserver.jireportunit b -> ON a.report_unit_id = b.id -> INNER JOIN jasperserver.jiresource c -> ON c.id = b.mainReport -> INNER JOIN jiresourcefolder rf -> ON c.parent_folder = rf.id -> INNER JOIN jasperserver.jiresource c1 -> ON c1.id = A.input_control_id -> ORDER BY -> input_name asc;+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| input_name |+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ || net.sf.jasperreports.prompt.label.ASC_DESC=Ascending/Descending | | || net.sf.jasperreports.prompt.label.CONNECTION_TYPE=Connection Type || net.sf.jasperreports.prompt.label.CREATION_DATE_FROM=Creation Date from || net.sf.jasperreports.prompt.label.CREATION_DATE_TO=Creation Date to | || net.sf.jasperreports.prompt.label.DISPLAY_TYPE=Display Type | || net.sf.jasperreports.prompt.label.ERROR_CATEGORY=Error Category |...
  24. I use a combo box Input Control to permit to choice a sort option on my JasperServer and I use code like this in the report query: SELECT name, surname FROM user ORDER BY $P!{ORDER_BY} $P!{ASC_DESC} So, Oracle Database has internal optimizations if you enter the same query several times. If I want to change after the first run only the order of the rows, query is submitted equal to before aside for ORDER BY clause. There is a <sortField> tag which permits to change the order after query submit, but this tag can contain only static field name. Is is possible to have a <sortParameter> or something else in the next releases of JasperReports?
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