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Everything posted by acostache

  1. Hi all, I have been looking into finding a property which achieves "word/text wrapping" in the htmlcomponent. I would like something similar to the "linebreak.policy" exporter property. I know about the scaleType property, but that modifies text size and depending on the value, does clipping. Is there some other property that can be used? (I am using using JasperSoft studio 5.6) Thank you in advance! Regards, Andrei
  2. Hi, We have a client/server application (using JasperReports) in which we try to use the JasperViewer to view reports (on a client machine) that use images and fonts (which are available on the server). We understand that there when exporting a report, on the server machine, there are ways/solutions to "fill" (maybe this is not the exact term here, sorry) the report with the desired images and/or fonts, available on the server, via the lazy loaded property for images and (some) export parameters for font usage (we are using font extensions of course). But when trying to apply similar logic in the context of using the JasperViewer, when we try to view on the client machine a jasper print, that has been filled with data from the client machine, but that still needs images/fonts from the server (which we supply at exporting), this is not possible because the viewer looks for the byte data (image) on the client machine and also the fonts are not available on the client JVM (for these items are all on the server). Is there any solution, any way, to view the report, using the JasperViewer, on the client machine, when some items in the report are only available on the server? Is this (using images and fonts from the server, but filling first with data from the client, data which does not include the images and fonts, for they are not on the client) only possible when we export into other (proper file) formats? We hope our issue is detailed enough (sorry for maybe over-explaining things). Thank you in advance, Andrei Post Edited by andreicostache at 09/13/2010 12:59
  3. Lucian, Thank you for the explanation: indeed the context classloaders' switch solved our problem. Best regards, Andrei
  4. Hi Lucian, Great! Thank you for the reply and the explanation. I will try that! Regards, Andrei
  5. Hi, Teodor, Sorry for reopening this after such a long time. At the time I was writting, I was able to somehow fix this by placing the desired font, in a separate folder, which I was able to "feed" to the PDF exporter, via pdfExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.FILE_RESOLVER, new SimpleFileResolver(list_of_directories)), where "list_of_directories" contains a list of folders where I have the fonts in. However, we have upgraded our application to JasperReports 3.7.1 and this does not work anymore. Therefore, I have used font extensions and a couple of parameters (like REPORT_CLASS_LOADER) through which I tried to make jasper "see" my fonts. More about this is in a post I wrote yesterday: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=76180. I am attaching a small Java application and the corresponding Jasper report (jrxml file). Even through all methods commented in the .java file, the exporter does not render the desired font (called "Corbel"). I am also attaching the Corbel font extension, exported via iReport 3.7.1. Please note that I am not getting any error message just that the PDF is not rendered as it should. By adding the font extension jar to the iReport classpath, the report is rendered ok. Again sorry for not posting my temporary solution at that time and for reopening this after such a long time, but this becoming quite an issue for me and I am not sure what I have missed out regarding fonts, fonts extensions and PDF exporting. Best regards, Andrei Post Edited by andreicostache at 07/02/2010 09:06
  6. Thank you for your reply! Indeed, when I export to pdf, my chosen/specified font ('Corbel') is not rendered on the pdf, when viewing it with, for instance, Acrobat Reader. But, in the internal iReport viewer it shows up ok. And I am not sure how to make Jasper aware of my extensions, from within my application, other than the ideas I have tried (without success) as REPORT_CLASS_LOADER (and also setting the JRExporterParameter.CLASS_LOADER to a class loader, as was an idea on a previous post) or setting the "net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.fontdir.jasper" property to the absolute path of my font extension/resource directory. Not sure what else to try/do. Regards, Andrei
  7. Hi, I am trying to fill a report and export it as a pdf and within the report, I have some elements that use certain fonts, using the "fontName" property, fonts which are not available to my OS. Therefore, I package the font/fonts using iReport to export as a font extension. That font extension is placed in a location which I try to make available to my application using the REPORT_CLASS_LOADER, with a code as follows (FYI, the font is called 'Corbel'): ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader( new URL[] {new URL("file:///D:/path/to/Corbel_jar_folder/")} ); param = new HashMap(); param.put(JRParameter.REPORT_CLASS_LOADER, cl); jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("d:/path/to/Report_with_Corbel_font.jrxml"); jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, param, new JREmptyDataSource()); Then after filling, which seems to go on without errors (no error saying that the font is not available to my JVM), when I export this is a pdf (via JRPdfExporter), the pdf does not show up as using my requested font, i.e. the part of the report, that should use that font, does not use it. What's even more strange is that, if I place just the .TTF file in the location indicated above as "D:/path/to/Corbel_jar_folder", I get the error with the font not being available to the JVM. I am using JasperReports 3.7.1 and also the font extension I mentioned earlier has been exported via iReport 3.7.1. I have been reading all posts I could find on this topic of "fonts" and I have used the code indicated in previous posts. I am attaching the report also, in case it is needed. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Andrei
  8. Hi, I get a very similar error: "Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed, calculator_customersReport_1270739251038_146945: 18: unable to resolve class JREvaluator @ line 18, column 1.calculator_customersReport_1270739251038_146945: 25: unable to resolve class JRFillParameter ..." And the stack trace goes on saying that neither the JRFillField, JRFillParameter, JRFillVariable class are found (they are located in the jasperreports engine library). I have the groovy and the jasper enginer libraries where they should be. Indeed changing the scripting language to Java or JavaScript does help, but is there any other way? Best regards, Andrei
  9. Hello, I have seen that when exporting a report in several formats (as html, xls, odf/odt) the header of a column (the first column in this case) is missing. The export is ok in formats as pdf or rtf (the header is not missing). I have tested this in code and also with iReport preview. I am attaching the report (created in iReport); if needed it can be tested with an empty-database, the results are the same. When testing watch the first column ("cusomterid"), of which the header does not show. The version of JasperReports (and iReport) used is 3.6.0. Thank you in advance! Regards, Andrei
  10. Hi, Yes it is possible, you have a special exporter for that (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.oasis.JROdsExporter). But from my experience (I have done this using JasperReports 3.6.0), the ".ods" file generated cannot be opened using OpenOffice (latest version), although it can be opened using Google Docs. I think this is related to OpenOffice and not to JasperReports. Hope that helps. Regards, Andrei
  11. Hi, I am sorry if I am asking an already answered question - if that's the case please redirect me (this is my first post here). I am trying to export to PDF a (jrxml) report (created using iReport 3.6.0) with JasperReports 3.6.0. The font is embedded (i need to use an embedded font) and i have added it to the JVM classpath, but i get an error (could not load font...). I have also tried to use the "extension" method i read on about in a different thread (as in the font sample with an xml, font and properties file all in a jar file). The result is still negative. I have attached the report. I would be grateful for any help (including redirection to other threads/documentation). Regards, Andrei
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