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  1. Dear All I have built a crosstab report in landscape mode. I have created multiple row groups and it worked fine. So for each row group i kind of took text elements and placed in the Crosstab header section. It worked perfectly in the PDF and Excel, however when I am viewing this data in the HTML the header portion is getting distored. I am using iReport 3.6.0. I have attached a screenshot for this purpose. Regards
  2. I am using iReport 3.6.0 and trying to create a report with subreport in it. When i did that and trying to run the master report i am getting the following error messages unable to open the subreport The subreport expression returned null. I'm unable to locate the subreportjrxml I tried all the possible combinations in the subreport expression. Not sure if i need to set anything else to make this work. Thanks in advance for your help!
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