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  1. Hi Magnus, I would like it to look like the first table, which I figure out how to do, as there would be no data objects for the "Pear" column or the "purple" row. Sorry for the lack of clarity. I've only been working with Jasper Reports for a few days (but a lot of hours).
  2. I have a unique issue where I need to display empty rows and columns in a crosstab report - basically, we are showing alignments between objects, and we need to show objects, even if there are no alignments, e.g.: Apple Pear Lemon red x purple yellow x x The only way I've found to present this data is to insert dummy data, e.g.: Apple Pear Lemon (no fruit) red x purple x yellow x x (no color) x Does anyone have a better solution? I have tried plenty of stupid tricks, the closest being setting the row height to 1 and suppressing the "x" in the (no xxx) rows and then trying to conditionally hide the borders But that still looks clunky, especially when borders are rendered on the table cells. I just can't see a way to this. Any suggestions (beyond the (no xxx) rows)? Thanks, Chris
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