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  1. I got the solution. I created a parameterised constructor with jasperPrint and it that i initialised 'this.jasperprint' and also called initComponents(). No more errors. But now I'm trying to view this applet in a jsp by defining : <jsp:plugin type="applet" code="EmbeddedViewerApplet.class" width="400" height="400"> <jsp:fallback> <p>Unable to load applet</p> </jsp:fallback> </jsp:plugin> I'm getting the jsp with the panel , when i click on the error link its showing java.lang.ClassNotFoundException. Somebody pls help me. Thanks.
  2. Hi , I have generated jasper reports and i used JasperViewer and everything works great. Now I want to view this JasperViewer in client side. I've tried the examples in demo/samples/webapp/applet/EmbeddedViewerApplet ,but EmbeddedViewerApplet throws me an exception: java.lang.NullPointerException. I've check and I found that JRViewerSimple returns me null.I'm sure jasperPrint is not null. How do I solve this problem. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi, I went through the url below and it helped me. http://www.jasperassistant.com/forum/topic/823/simple_subreport_example_using_several?p3 Hope it helps you too.
  4. Hi teodord, thanks for your response. I have tried that,I generated the report and export it to pdf file in my project itself,it works fine, but the problem I faced is that when I tried viewing the report right after that by using 'response.sendRedirect("\\report\\info.pdf")' an error comes which says 'The requested resource (/xxx//report/info.pdf) is not available.' When I click on the folder where I stored the pdf it is there, but I dont know why it was not loading at that time. I tried putting a delay but even that does not work. I wanted to view the newly created pdf file which had just been created by my application. Please help me.I have tried everything I could Thanks
  5. Hi, I have created a pdf file using Jasper Report and have saved it in D drive as in D:\Report\info.pdf. I want to call this pdf file from jsp. I tried 'response.sendRedirect("D:\\Report\\info.pdf")' but page does not get displayed.It says Cannot find server. How do I fix this? Kindly help me. Thanks in advance
  6. Hi, Why dont you try defining your image class as "java.io.InputStream" instead of byte.
  7. I've shifted the text field on the column header part, now I can see the field values.They are getting displayed on a pdf file also. But is this the right way to do it? What is the detail part in jasper report for then?
  8. Hi again, I found out that if I put a line or a static text on the column header or page footer, it is getting displayed when I run it. But when I put the same thing in detail part, it is not being displayed. Am I missing any jar file? Where could the problem be? Please help me. Thanks in advance
  9. Hi, I used iReport and it works perfectly fine on the server side. I guess there is some problem with 'file'. I had define 'file' as: FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream("D:\\Report\\reportCandidate.jasper");[/code]When I give file.read() an error message 'Error loading object from InputStream' is displayed. Do you think this could be the problem? If so, How do I set the right path for 'file'. I am not very sure where the problem lies.
  10. Hi I am new to jasper reports. I wanted view a jasper report in html. I used jasperreports 1.3. 1 My problem is that I cannot see the field values eventough the field names are displayed and no errors reported. I have no idea why there are no values. Please help me.http://www.coderanch.com/templates/default/images/spacer.gifCode:
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