Hi all, I am using iReport 3.0.0 for designing of the reports. I have following settings in report: Preset Sizes: Custom width= 57.997 cm Height =20.990 cm Orientation: Landscape Page Margine: Top:0.000 cm Bottom:0.000 cm Left : 0.000 cm Right : 0.000 cm My reports requirement is : Column header should appear on top of every page . Since we are using grouping in our reports we have placed the contents in group header and enable the property "Print header on each page=true". But problem is ,when we print preview the report generated in html format ,the group header are not coming properly on top of every page Some time the headers are coming at the bottom of previous page, or sometimes few lines of previous page printed on top of new page and then the header gets printed. we want the group header to be printed properly on top of every page,both when the report is seen in the browser and when printing. Can anybody please give a solution for this? Thanks, Balak.