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  1. Hi all, I am using iReport 3.0.0 for designing of the reports. I have following settings in report: Preset Sizes: Custom width= 57.997 cm Height =20.990 cm Orientation: Landscape Page Margine: Top:0.000 cm Bottom:0.000 cm Left : 0.000 cm Right : 0.000 cm My reports requirement is : Column header should appear on top of every page . Since we are using grouping in our reports we have placed the contents in group header and enable the property "Print header on each page=true". But problem is ,when we print preview the report generated in html format ,the group header are not coming properly on top of every page Some time the headers are coming at the bottom of previous page, or sometimes few lines of previous page printed on top of new page and then the header gets printed. we want the group header to be printed properly on top of every page,both when the report is seen in the browser and when printing. Can anybody please give a solution for this? Thanks, Balak.
  2. hi , your instructions helps to solve my problem,but it decreased the font size by 1 pixels,but anyways it solves visibility problem. Thanks a lot.
  3. Hi all, I am facing this problem : when i export my report in excel format, If the data for textfield is long like for eg: data of 4 lines.I am able to see only some lines out of 4.All the 4 lines not shown.To see all the lines i need to double click on the cell.I think the textfiled doesn not get expanded enough to occupy the data. I have set following properties to textfiled: isStretchWithOverflow =true. stretchType=relattiveToTallestObject. I have also checked with the property print.keep.full.text=true. but still i am facing the same problem. I am using the font as : Arial and font size=10. Please help to solve this issue. Thanks in advance.
  4. hi , i am using iReport 3.0.0 for designing the report. I facing one problem : When i export the report in html format ,i saw the size of the html report is huge (in MB's) even for 10 to 12 pages. I think it is because the style gets repeated for every row.when i opened the source for the html file in textpad i saw style repeatation at every row.This may be the cause that increses the size of the html report. But i want to know the solution because the size of the html is huge and it is just unacceptable. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi all, i am using iReport 3.0.0 for designing the report. In the Excel format of the report , when there are multiple lines of data for the cells, the text doesnt getting wrapped properly. Hence the contents of the cell gets stuck to the borders of the cell. for seeing the whole text i need to double click on the cell.I want the height of the cell should be strectch in such a way that ,the text should be visible within the cell border. I have applied the property "Stretch with overflow" and "print.keep.full.text"="true" also but still i am facing the same problem Please help to solve this problem. I am attaching the sample jrxml,and generated sample excel report ,so that problem can be well understood.
  6. Hi Teodor, I am also getting the same problem. As you suggested to use a real font i have used font as "Arial" and font Size="10". But still i am getting the same problem.To see the complete text i have to double click on the cell.Please suggest some workaround for it. Thanks in advance.
  7. hi all, After generating report into html format, i see the size of the html size is huge (approximately in MB's). After opening the html file in textpad i found that it repeates the style for each row. The style is explicitely mentioned for each generated row.Is there any solution to avoid this? Is there any solution to reduce the size of the html file ? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi Teodor, As you said i have posted this on project tracker With id =0004331. Thanks, Bala.
  9. Hi Teodor, Extremmely sorry for confusing you. Actully i dont want the group header to be printed if there is no detail row. The group header should be printed only if there is any detail row. Please help to acchive this. Sorry ones again Thanks, Bala.
  10. Hi Teodor, Thanks for your reply. I have already posted this issue on tracker with id=4326. But do you have any solution to avoid printing this group header when their is no detail rows.(Like print when expression or something like this?)If yes then please help to solve it. Thanks, Bala.
  11. ANy updates???????????? /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif
  12. hi all, i am using iReport 3.0.0 for designing the report. I have 3 groups in my report as follows : we have structure of design as given below: group1 header group2 header group3 header ---> for this group Print header on each page property ="true" detail band------ group3 footer group 2 footer group 1 footer but problem is : unnecessarily Group header 3 prints itself above the group1 footer even when the group footer for group3 is processed out. My expectation is group3 header should not print for any other groups footer than,it should print only for group3 footer. please if anyone have solution for this ?
  13. hi all, i am using iReport 3.0.0 for designing the report. I have placed two subreports in detail band. subreports are also getting printed. but problem is : every time before printing the first subreport the huge white space comes up. The subreport contains simple columnheader and detail band. position type for both the subreports is : float. I am not able to understand the reason ,why this white space coming before printing the subreport,instead of smooth printing. Could any one please provide the solution for this?? Thanks, Bala.
  14. hi, I am not getting clearly ,what you want to say about "background color and white space wrapping page in error".
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