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Everything posted by sarahk

  1. Hi There are tens of JAR files included with JasperReport inside its lib folder. Can someone please let me know which one of those file are required to view the reports in a swing application and which one of them are not? My reports files extension is jrxml and I want just to view them in my SWING application which is based on JDBC. Thanks.
  2. Hi Thank you for reading my question. I am looking for a way to make JRViewer load the entire report and let uers to scroll down to the end of report instead of using the next and previous butoons to navigate to the next page. is it possible? Thanks.
  3. Hi, Can someone please let me know how I can disable the save button in JRViewer? Thanks.
  4. Hi Is it possibe to export a report to ODS format? (Openoffice Spreadsheet ) Thanks Post Edited by sarahk at 09/16/2009 12:23
  5. Hi I am wondering whether JasperReport has compatibility problem with windows 7? I have a software which I used jasperreport to generate its reports, it works fine on linux and windows XP but for windows 7 it does not generate any report. I am using JRView panel to show reports, in windows 7 it allways says: There is no report page to show... Thanks.
  6. Hi I am looking to find how I can add a summary to a report. I can see the summary node in the desinger but when I past some element into it, it goes outside of the report itself. Can soneone please let me know how to add a report summary in the desinger or by code? Thanks
  7. svenn Wrote: What version are you using? Hi I am using jasperreports-3.5.3. Thanks.
  8. Never mind, I found that I need to define a variable in the report in addition to using the variable in the query strin to make it work and also make Ireport show the preview. Thanks
  9. Hi Can someone please let me know how I can preview a report which has query parameters? Thanks.
  10. Hi Dont bother, I found that net.sf.jasperreports.view.JRViewer; provide me with the same thing that I need. Thanks
  11. Hi, Thank you for your helping me. I tried and defined a variable and then put a text field in the title section and then I assinged the variable to it. It shows 0 instead of the cumulative value :( When I put the same element in the summary band, it shows the cumulative value. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to specify some properties for the title band? Thanks. Post Edited by sarahk at 08/31/2009 07:21
  12. Hi I am looking for a report viewer similar to net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer but mostly as a Jpanel to include it in my JFrame forms. Please let me know if there is anything like that available. Thanks.
  13. Hi Can someone please let me know how I can add a summary band in the beginning of the report? I need to show some calculated information in the beginning of the report instead of showing them in the end of report.Any help is very welcome. Thanks.
  14. Hi I need to use two seperate queries for a report. for example the header part should be filled using one query and the report itself (repeating parts) should be used with another query. I am wondering whether it is possible or not, any helper document or guidline is very welcome. Thanks
  15. Hi Can someone please let me know what is use of files located in the lib folder? I want to create some reports using JPA source and I will need, XSL, PDF and HTML export from my reports. Does I need to include all these files into my project classpath? Thanks
  16. Hi Can you please let me know what is use of jasperreports-3.5.3-javaflow.jar compared to jasperreports-3.5.3.jar? If there is any document which let me understand the directory layout, please kindly help me find it. Thanks
  17. Hi I am wondering whether it is possible to use IReport 3.5.3 with Derby or not. I tried to create a connection to my Derby database and I always got a message like: "Please Insert a Valid JDBC Driver" Before I start trying to create the connection I add Derby JDBC driver to IReport classpath using the "Tools">Options dialog. Please let me know what more is required to create the connection. Thanks
  18. Hi I am trying to use iReport-nb-3.5.3-plugin with netbeans 6.7.1 and I have the following problem. Please let me know if there is any workaround for this or if I am using a wrong version of IReport. Step to reproduce the problem: - Create a JDBC connection in netbeans (for example to derby database) - create a report using the wizard, select one of the templates for ease of use. - after you created the report, preview the report, it works fine Now try creating another report :D here you can not create a report because query designer will not work. I tried to write the sql statement manually and after that I find that Ireport lose the JDBC connection somehow and can not validate the sql statement. Same problem happens if you try to change the report and then try to get a preview of the report. Any comment is welcome, Thanks
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