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Everything posted by jstrydom

  1. Thanks, I'm just wondering wich column to select, because it's not really a normalization. Do you have to select a column? Johan
  2. Hi, First have a look and see what version of eclipse your workspace is using. Click on Help in the menu bar and select Software Updates, Find and Install Select Search for new features to install and click Next This will bring up a window listing update sites from where you can update eclipse The list will initially be blank and you will create a new update site Click on New Remote Site This will bring up a window where you will enter the site details Enter eclipse for the name (can be anything that makes sense) Enter http://update.eclipse.org/updates/3.3 in the URL (change the version at the end to the appropriate one for your workspace) Click Ok This will take you to the previous screen with the newly added site in the list Make sure the box next to the site is selected as well as Automatically select mirrors box and click Finish Hope this helps. Cheers
  3. Hi, I have a file that contains fields in a single row e.g 12,13,45,01,05 I would like to write out these fields as seperate rows in a new file e.g 12 13 45 01 05 How do I go about it? I would appreciate any help. Thanks
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