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Everything posted by ruyi

  1. Thank you so much Ana Rosa for your suggestion. I am the new user of iReport so don't mind me . Would you like to share me your knowledge about how to do the second option in iReport(compose an array of jasperprint and exporting the array to PDF)? Thanks and Regards, Ruyi
  2. Hi all, I have few amount of reports . I want to combine these reports to be a single pdf report. I am using iReport 3.5.2 version. Please give me a suggestion . Thanks and Regards, Ruyi
  3. Hi friend, I did the multiple charts and data according to the step that mentioned above. It is worked but the chart in second subreport is moved to the next page when i complied the jrxml file to pdf.I want data of two subreport are presented in one page. How to do for it? Thanks and regards! Ruyi
  4. Hi everybody I am now using iReport version 3.5.2. I am new user of it. I want to change the scale of time axis and value axis and also want to get time axis tick label mask in vertically.And also want to reduce the shape of the value expression line.The thickness of shpe is very thick for me. How to solve this problem in iReport? Next problem is that i want to insert nearly 50 charts in one reports. In iReport can insert just 2 charts in summary band ,even i did the maximum band height. At the same time, my report need to present the subtable beside the chart .The data shown in this table is one part of the data of main reports so i need to write many queries to extract the data from main report's fields. Datasets can't be used in this part. And also only detail band is working for extracting data from database.iReport gives only one page for one report that contain predefied 9 parts of band. I want to insert 50 charts that have subtable beside .The data for subtable is need to fill by writing queires. I can only create one chart and one subtable and one query for extracting data in one .jrxml file.How can i do it? Please somebody know about it, give me suggestion to pass this problem. I attached my sample report pdf file that i did in iReport for reference. I need your help. Thanks and Regards, RuYi.
  5. Hi Giulio, I'm Ruyi, new user of iReport. I am interested in the answer of the following question. How to generate the multiple reports for multiple queries in one .jrxml file? Thanks and regards, RuYi
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