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Posts posted by manshack_one

  1.  We've got some fairly complicated Brio reports that were written in SQR.  A large majority of these require up to 15 different queries with one query feeding another one to finally get the result they are looking for.  With jasper I know we have subreports and I know you can add multiple datasets.  However, can one dataset feed another one through parameters?  If I remember right the only parameters I've seen being passed were from report to subreport.  I don't think I've seen a dataset to dataset transaction as of yet.  I suppose another option would be to convert the logic in the SQR's to java code and put that into a scriptlet and just use a report to format the output.  Suggestions?

  2.  How do you pass a report connection to a scriptlet?  I need to do some custom queries based off the report parameters which means writing a scriptlet.  The example shows overriding the events but only grabs a system time to play with.  How do I write the connection to the database so I can run some queries and properly format the results?

  3. From that link (thanks by the way):

    . How to change password encoding to MD5/SHA?

    Starting from JasperServer 3.5, the password encryption is enabled by default. Since there are quit number of encoding mechanism available, some of us want to change the default encoding to MD5 or SHA.

    This might be necessary to follow the organization's standard / policy or to synchronize the user details from other system which store the password in MD5 / SHA. To change the encoding, edit the $JASPER_ROOT/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml, look for "passwordEncoder" bean.


        <bean id="passwordEncoder" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.PasswordCipherer" lazy-init="false">        <property name="allowEncoding"><value>true</value></property>        <property name="keyInPlainText"><value>false</value></property>        <property name="secretKey"><value>0xC8 0x43 0x29 0x49 0xAE 0x25 0x2F 0xA1 0xC1 0xF2 0xC8 0xD9 0x31 0x01 0x2C  0x52 0x54 0x0B 0x5E 0xEA 0x9E 0x37 0xA8 0x61</value></property>        <property name="secretKeyAlgorithm"><value>DESede</value></property>        <property name="cipherTransformation"><value>DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding</value></property>    </bean>[/code]


        <bean id="passwordEncoder" class="org.acegisecurity.providers.encoding.Md5PasswordEncoder">    	<property name="encodeHashAsBase64"><value>false</value></property>    </bean>[/code]


        <bean id="passwordEncoder" class="org.acegisecurity.providers.encoding.ShaPasswordEncoder">    	<property name="encodeHashAsBase64"><value>false</value></property>    </bean>[/code]

    Then, you need to update the password is database according to the new encoding. Below is the sample encrypted password for "mypassword"

    MD5: 34819d7beeabb9260a5c854bc85b3e44SHA: 91dfd9ddb4198affc5c194cd8ce6d338fde470e2***************************************************************************************Sounds like I need to follow these steps to make it happen:1) change passwordEncoder bean to match MD5 option2) hash my passwords and update the database entries3) in my app use the hashed password in my web service url that pulls the report. [/code]
    Look ok to everyone else?[/code]
  4. I have the same question.  I'm calling reports using a window.open from my application.  I'd like to just use a simple md5 hash since the event driving the report call is in javascript.  Is everyone else passing clear text passwords or have you guys already figured it out?

  5.  I'd like to move my JS 3.7 installation to my app server which is running glassfish.  Right now it's running in standalone mode (except for sharing the same mysql database as the rest of the apps) using it's own tomcat instance.  Is it possible to just deploy the 3.7 war file to glassfish and point it to the mysql server or will I have to export things from the tomcat side?

  6.  Friday we moved my development pc upstairs to a server room.  In doing so the IP was changed.  Now my reports in Jasperserver will not run.  I'm getting connection errors.  I'm using a local msyql db (not the included one) and it's own tomcat installation.  JS will start and let me log in via the web interface, list the reports and even display the input controls.  Beyond that it error's out concerning the connection.  I can see the connections in the mysql admin but they just show sleeping.  I don't remember if I used 'localhost' or not when originally setting it up.  What can I look for in the config files that might need to be changed?  Seems if I used localhost as a default that all the settings should still work regardless of the IP address.

  7.  Found my answer.  You move the "where" clause from the query that generates the view

    to the query that calls the view.  You end up pulling all records in the view dataset so watch out for performance issues when you have large datasets.

  8. I have a query that uses parameters for a date range.  I created a view based on that query in MySQL
    so that I could aggregate the results with counts by grouping.  To do so I had to remove all the parameters
    from the original queries and insert static values just to see if the new query based on the view would work.
    In iReport however I can only have the new query in the report so how do I manage to put the parameters back
    in and have them passed from the new query to the old query the view is based on? 

  9.  I have a report that displays fine on JS 3.7 CE however is not formatting correctly in Word.
    Attached are the JS screenshot, the Word document and a PDF printout of the Word document for comparison.
    I looked closely at the Word document and it appears to be collapsing the cell that the word "Recommendation" is supposed to be in.  It's also not getting the height correctly on a few of the other fields which cuts off the bottom of the words.  Any ideas?



  10. Ok, now we are getting somewhere.  :)

    So what field is $F{f1}? 

    Either way I had already ended up rewriting the query to be a left outer join so that I'd have dummy rows for the groups.  I think the problem I'm having is that the results of the query previously did not include a row for every group.  In this case jasper wouldn't have any idea to print the 6 groups unless someone has a way to create a static list inside of a variable and loop the group band off of it.  The new query works fine.  It was a little more trouble to write but I get the proper results every time and I don't have to rely on putting that logic into the print when expressions.

    But don't think I don't appreciate the help. :)



  11.  My report has a group.  That group has a print when expression that tells it not to print anything if a certain value is Null in the results.  Since the group starts on a new page everytime I end up with blank pages in the report.  I'd like to print a static text like "This page left intentionally blank" if there are no printed details.  Just to be clear though, there might be matches from the query for that group but since they don't meet the "print when" qualifications the group may show up empty.  I've tried tying to to Page_count, group_count, etc. but nothing seems to tell me that the printed group is empty.  What do you think I might be able to use?

  12.  I think I'm just going to make a copy of the report.  One for each query.
    The only real difference between the two queries are the joins so that I get
    either completed data or nulls for blank data.  

    Thanks for clearing that up though.  It was driving me nuts.


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