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  1. lasinir Wrote: Check this post http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=46863 Specifically the entry from mmflynn. This worked for me. -Randy Thank you Randy!! I was able to get it to work. - Sean
  2. Does anyone know how to configure anonymous access to JasperServer so that I can bypass the login? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  3. For some reason I cannot connect to the same Oracle JDBC datasource in JasperServer that I was able to connect to in iReport. The driver is in my System classpath and it appears to be in the JasperServer lib. When I try to test the connection I simply get a 'Test Failed' error without any error messages or stack traces. Any ideas?
  4. Is there a way to set the maximum number of pages and warn the user when querying a report greater than a certain amount of pages in JasperReports? Thank You, Sean
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