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Everything posted by micoppoolse

  1. Hi there... the last few hours I spent searching for an answer for next problem: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy... Certainly more then ten different hits google returned me. When I searched for a solution for this problem... I could'tfind it. Does this mean there is no solution or what else ? I want to put a Cube in the jasperserver repository. I use the workbenche to define my schema in xml and I use a mysql database to store the source data. I executed the xml in the workbench and there it returned a correct result. What can be the solution for this weird '..... "result" from an instance....' message.. I checked already the alias names, the upcase of the table fields for the joins... Please can anyone give a usefull answer? I know I will be not the only one waitin' for an answer. I cannot go any further. .. the utlimate guide doesn't give my any idea... Hope to hear you soon. MiCoppoolse
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