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Everything posted by goyal_1985

  1. Hi Sanda, Thanks for replying, However, I have tried using the arabic fonts also. But using them, I am not even able to print the normal text. I am using arabic unicode fonts with pdf encoding as Unicode with Horizontal Writing. Could you please suggest some other solution? Thanks, Dishank
  2. Hi, I have a report which has Arabic text. some of which is arabic. Using iReport 3.0.0, the non-italicized arabic text displays correctly with iReport font as "Sans Serif" and PDF font as arial and PDF-Encoding as "Unicode with Horizontal Writing", But when I change it to italics, the text is not displayed. (For italic text I tried with both arial.ttf and Ariali.ttf). Using the latest iReport 4.0.2 also, I am facing the same problem. Here, I am using the PDF font as Helvetica-Oblique and encoding as CP1252, however, for non-italicized, it displayes the text, for italic text, it does not. I tried with the "Fonts" and "unicode" demo, but whenever I made the text italic, it stops to be displayed. Please help.
  3. Hi, I am facing a similar problem, but with Arabic text. Using iReport 3.0.0, While the non-italicized arabic text displays correctly with iReport font as "Sans Serif" and PDF font as arial with "Unicode with Horizontal Writing" as the PDF encoding, When I make it italic, the text is not displayed. (For italic text I tried with both arial.ttf and ArialI.ttf). Using the latest iReport 4.0.2 also, I am facing the same problem. Here, I am using the PDF font as Helvetica-Oblique and encoding as CP1252, however, for non-italicized, it displayes the text, for italic text, it does not. I tried with the "Fonts" and "unicode" demo, but whenever I made the text italic, it stops to be displayed. However, for hebrew text, strangly there is no problem with italicized text. Please help.
  4. Is there a possible way to set the text font at runtime ? Based on some parameter, the text font is set. Say if parameter value is Arial, the font will be Arial.ttf , and if its value is Sans Serif, the font will be Sans Serif.ttf .
  5. I am trying to design a report template with some static text. This text is locale dependent. So far I was trying it with English and spanish characters. And it was working fine. But now We have other languages coming in.. Like Arabic, Russian, Chinese, and other Extended Indian Languges. And this is where I am failing. The static text has a font attached to it, which is set to Arial. This font work for English, Spanish and Arabic, but not for other languages. So My question is , Is there any font which is unniversal for all types of character sets ( I tried searching for it a lot, and did not find any.) Or Can we decide the font name at the runtime also? Can we have the font also localized?
  6. Hi, Is there a way to create PDFs with password protection? Password may be based on some field in the report which is specific to the report. Say I am having reports for customer's account's summary and want to protect this pdf with Customer Id as the password, Is there a way out for this?
  7. Hi, In case you are using your own java program to compile and generate the reports, and you dont want to compile the same jrxml all over again, You may serialize and deserialize the .jasper objects to be used in the filling process. All u may need is to check if the .jasper file exists of the jrxml or not and the jrxml time stamp is not newer than that of the jasper file.
  8. Hi, Is there a way to parameterize the background color of any object in JasperReport. The hash value of the color (Say RGB code) would be given at the run time, and accordingly the objects' color should change.
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