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Everything posted by markgard

  1. Well the good news Is that I can get JS 3.7.0 CE to auth from LDAP. The bad news is that it all goes to HELL once I try and MAP LDAP groups to Jasperserver Groups. I get an error message, i tracked it down in the spring framework forums and it is related to classloaders and how the LDAP code is loaded outside of the rest of the code. With all the changes I made in the security context, JS starts up ok and without error, and as long as there are no LDAP groups assiciated with the user logging in it works like a champ. But as soon as the user is a member of an LDAP group then the login fails, just after JS gathers the groups and throws an error that Javax can't be cast as a spring object. This is a big showstopper for us. We were thinking of purchasing the PRO edition but LDAP seems way to unstable to use JS in a production environment.
  2. This looks to be an issue with fetching LDAP Group Memebership. If the user is not a member of any group then login works just fine. The other thing is that this looks to be related to the way SPRING is loaded, and classloaders. Like the LDAP stuff is geting loaded outside of the rest of the stuff. Hence the casting error. java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx cannot be cast to org.springframework.ldap.core.DirContextAdapter
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