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Everything posted by mateen83

  1. Hi, I have been usinh IReport for about a year now by emdedding a SQL query inside the report. I have been given an assignment where i have to use a Java Bean DataSource. I have got everything working except for a small issue. My JavaBean returns three fields, 2 fields of type java.lang.String and one field of type ArrayList. When i place the three fields on the Page the String objects print fine, but the ArrayList is printed by the toString method. For each record returned i want to iterate over the ArrayList and print each field seperately. How Can i do this. I might the bean is a Person class (First Name, Last Name, Phone Numbers). The Phone Numbers is a ArrayList that contains objects of type Phone (Phone Type, Phone Number). How some one can help. Kind Regards.
  2. Hi i have developed a report in iReport 3.6.2. When i view the output in pdf the report is fine. However when i view the report in html some fields disappers. Especially lines and rectabgles. If two lines intersect each other only 1 is printed. How can this be fixed. The same is the case with fields. If 2 fields touch each 1 or both of them will not be printed. Kind Regards
  3. I want to round this $V{loadPerunit}.multiply( $F{TOTAL_UNITS} ) upto two decimal places
  4. Its worked using $P!{parameter_name} . Thanks for your help
  5. So when i pass the parameter to the report i have to place a () before and after teh parameters
  6. My report uses the following query. select folio_number from unit_account ua where ua.folio_number in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) order by to_number(ua.folio_number) How can i represent the IN clause in the above SQL as a parameter. If i use a string it adds a ' ' before and after and the query will not execute. How can i use an in clause so i can provide multiple account numbers in the same parameter.
  7. I solved this problem by creating a group on the account number and setting the group property to Print on New Page. Now a small problems still remain . The query is select folio_number from unit_account ua where ua.folio_number in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) order by to_number(ua.folio_number) How can i represent the in clause as a parameter. If i use a string it adds a ' ' before and after and the query will not execute. How can i use an in clause so i can provide multiple account numbers in the smae parameter.
  8. Hi, I have the following struture of Report Main Report | | | AcReport | TransactionsReport ------------ Group Footer Report | ReportFooterREport Now the MainReport passes a Account Number parameter onto its subreport. ACReport that then passes onto its own Subreport. The MainReport has absolutely nothing except a subreport. Now everything is fine except i want the MAinReport to Print ACReport on a Seperate page for each account number that is passed onto it. I hope everything is clear. Thanks Kind regards,
  9. I have created a variable called reportHeader. Varialbe class is java.lang.String. In the variable expression i have $P{FromDate}.concat(" To " + $P{ToDate}) . But this just prints null. Whats can i do to achive the desired result.
  10. Hello All, I have 2 parameters FromDate and ToDate. I want to contact the values of both parameters into a variable and add a / or to between them . How can i do this. Kind Regards
  11. the running toal is one transactions. if the transaction is sale i want the transaction to be added to the running toal else i want the transaction to be subtractd from the running total. The values of all the transactions are posotive so i will nead an if else condition. How can i do this. Kind Regards.
  12. How can i make a Running Total in a report from a DB field
  13. hi, i a using ireport 3.5.2. My detail sections contains mutiple rows the are fectche d from the db at run time. I want all rows to be surrounded by a retangular box. When i draw a box inside the detail section and run the report i get a box around each row rather then the desired effect. How can i achive this. Thanks
  14. Hi, i am quite new to iReports. My report uses 5 parameters. All of Type String. 4 of the five paramters are passed directly to the Query. Like account.folio_number = $P{FolioNumber} this works fine. One parater though dosent work when pass it to oracle to_date function as sale_date <= to_date($P{ToDate},'dd/mm/yyyy') this dose not work. I i replace $P{ToDate} with any string literal like '01/06/2009' the query works find and the reports shows result. I am stuck at this. Any suggestions.
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