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  1. Hi, How can I import external jar files into my project? e.g. how can to import external jar files; and how to extract it along with the job? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi, I'm trying to read data from an excel file and I have a "date" column which has the "MM/DD/YYYY" format. I need to put this data into MySQL, where the supported format is "YYYY-MM-DD" How can I convert it? If I create a variable in tMap component, I've seen there is a "parseDate" function within "TalendDate" functions category. I think that's what need to use, but I cannot really understand how. Please advise. Thanks
  3. Mike, thanks! That's exactly what I've been looking for. Also, I can see that here in Talend changelog page they go a bit further, and there are some useful features added (say, Add a "Check all" button if a table has checkbox in a column, which is available in TOS 3.1.3). When can we expect an update of JasperETL based on these TOS releases? Thanks
  4. It's all in topic actually /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gifI just wanted to know about features/fixes in latest JasperETL releases. Thanks
  5. Stas, In code I'm gettin this error: java.util.List<jxl.Sheet> sheetList_tFileInputExcel_1 = new java.util.ArrayList<jxl.Sheet>(); jxl.Sheet sh_tFileInputExcel_1 = null; Also in designer there are messages: -no schema difined yet and -parameter (sheet list) must have atleast one value Thanks
  6. Hi, I'm new to this, and I think I have a simple question... I am trying to convert an excel file to csv file. When I'm running I get the error like this... Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: jxl cannot be resolved to a type jxl cannot be resolved to a type jxl cannot be resolved to a type jxl cannot be resolved jxl cannot be resolved to a type jxl cannot be resolved to a type jxl cannot be resolved to a type jxl cannot be resolved to a type jxl cannot be resolved to a type jxl cannot be resolved to a type at talenddemosjava.abc123_0_1.Abc123.tFileInputExcel_1Process(Abc123.java:330) at talenddemosjava.abc123_0_1.Abc123.runJobInTOS(Abc123.java:598) at talenddemosjava.abc123_0_1.Abc123.main(Abc123.java:511) Job Abc123 ended at 11:19 21/11/2008. [exit code=1] Please advise Thanks, Rendell
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