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  1. Hi! I want to kwon if there's a way to put filters on input controls. For example if I had 2 input controls control 1. Colors, Days If I selected Colors the control 2 only show me a list of colors intead the colors and days. I've made query to fill the controls but if I tried to put a parameter that exists in my report, in the server an error occurs that says the parameter doesn't exist .
  2. Hi! Just in case that anybody has the same problem, if your report use input controls you should make the same input controls for the report that have the hyperlink.
  3. Hi! Thanks a_madani for your reply. But still didn't work. I get an error it says NULL URI. I don't know if is the version, I'm using iReport 3.5.0. I've tried to put the complete URL in the Link parameter Expression but still didn't work. If anybody knows how to do it plis tell me.
  4. Hi! I have a problem with hyperlink, I tried to do the same things as the examples but I can´t make the hyperlink. I use as Hyperlink Type: Report Execution and add the path to the report but it didn't work Anybody can help me, is very important.
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