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Everything posted by memelet

  1. Thanks. Good advice. I simply tweaked the shell script and ran it from cygwin and ireports started. But I would still like to figure out why the .exe fails on my desktop, if only to figure out how my machanine is screwed up.
  2. After a fresh install using the windows.exe installer, I immediatly get the windows (vista) dialog indicating "ireport.exe has stopped working". On Friday I installed the same .exe on my vista laptop where it runs fine. There is no feedback whatsover as to what the problem may be. I've not seen any similar issues on this forum on via google. Is there a way I can trouble shoot (ie, turn on some logging) to help track the problem? BTW, I have installed NB 6.7 and that starts up just fine. thanks! Post Edited by memelet at 07/06/2009 00:05
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