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Everything posted by pmccall

  1. There are many FusionChart and FusionWidgets properties that are not exposed in iReport. Is it possible to add these properties somehow? Coding, additions to the jrxml? We're running JasperServer and iReports Pro 3.7.1 Thanks.
  2. Matt, thanks. I can display different currency symbols, but it moved me on to find another problem. Yes, this is what we need to do - each of our organizations will be a different country with a different default currency. We have JasperServer Pro embedded in our app, and will force users' locales to fit their organization/country. Our domains are defined with all currency fields' Item Properties Data Format set to -$1,234.57. When I log in using a locale with a defined Euro sysmbol, for example, the Euro formatting shows in the Change Data Format dropdown in the Ad Hoc editor, but the field on the report still shows the default "$". Also, when I run a previously-created report, the "$" doesn't change based on the logged-in user's locale, although all the other localizations defined in the domain's locale properties files are applied. Am I missing something, or is this the way JasperServer behaves? If it is, will I need different domains for each organization with the appropriate Data Format? Thanks again for your help. Peggy
  3. I can't figure out how to get the currency symbol to localize in JasperServer pro 3.7.1 I'm trying to get the Euro symbol to print, but having no luck. If I create a adhoc_masks_fr.properties file with the Euro symbol substituted for the $ sign, I get an error logged stating that the "e" symbol is invalid. Having read some forum posts, I created a fr_FR locale, copying the adhoc_masks.properties file without change. The date and numeric formats change appropriately, but the currency symbol remains $. I had looked at the JAVA currency formats, and thought that this would change appropriately to the Euro. Can anyone tell me how to do this - I'm missing something and I need to localize 26 countries! Thanks.
  4. Does anyone know what the minimum version of Adobe Acrobat a user needs to display Flashcharts from JasperServer v3.7? We know the minimum version of Flash, but we have a client asking about Acrobat. Any help appreciated -
  5. Is there a sample of a Spark Column widget around somewhere? I'm at a total loss as to how to set up the data.
  6. The animation supported in iReport is limited. For example, you can have pie charts with pull-out slices. FusionCharts has many, many more sophisticated animation options which are not exposed in iReport. For example, take a look at this sales demo chart provided by JasperSoft: http://www.jaspersoft.com/gallery/Gallery/Combi3D.html My question was about applying these other animation styles - I have no problem creating the charts themselves with the exposed animation options. My hope is, considering that JasperSoft is showing the example, that this functionality can be supported in JasperServer.
  7. FusionCharts has animation styles that we'd like to apply in JasperServer Pro. (see http://www.uniserv.cmu.ac.th/account-ic/Contents/Styles/Animation.html) Has anyone done this? I know it can be done externally because the JasperServer Pro Fusion Chart gallery uses these styles, but can the styles be applied to a report served from within JasperServer?
  8. I have a main report with a chart that has hyperlinks to a drill-down report. I'd like to hide the drill-down report from users so they can't run it stand-alone. If I set permissions to READ ONLY, the report shows in the user's repository; if I set the permissions to NO ACCESS, the linked report won't run. Is there a configuration trick that will allow me to hide the linked report? Thanks -
  9. I'm a new JasperSever user, and am having a problem using the first domain I've created. The domain was created under SUPERUSER, and I can create reports from it with no problems when I'm logged in as SUPERUSER. However, when I log is as a user assigned to ROLE_USER, I can't create a report using the domain. I can get through the creation process up until I "open report" and try to add a field to the report. Then I get an "access denied" error. I can select the domain, select the fields for reporting - but I just can't put the fields onto the report. When I click on the arrow next to the field to add it to the report, I get a pop-up "access denied" message. I've gone through the exact same steps under SUPERUSER as with the ROLE_USER user, and it works under SUPERUSER, so I'm assuming I'm missing something with the permissions. - I created a folder DATA VIEWS under ROOT to hold my domains - ROLE_USER has "read only" permissions to ROOT, DATA VIEWS and the domain. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, and would appreciate ANY help.
  10. I kept working on this and found the solution. If you try to enter the parameter in the "simple options" view, the whole title gets quoted. For example, "From $P{fromDate}" - this doesn't work. You must switch to "show advanced options" and edit the title to remove the quotes around the parameter field and concatenate with any static text: "From " + $P{fromDate} Works like a charm...
  11. How do I display a report parameter in a chart title? Everything I try either gives me a "can't resolve" error or displays a code line like ((java.lang.String)parameter_whenFrom.getValue()) Thanks for any help.
  12. I can't install JasperServer Pro. When the install gets to the MySQL steps, it can't connect to the mySQL server. I've tried using the included MySQL setup, and also setting up my own MySQL installation. When I run with the included MySQL, the log shows "ERROR 2003 (HY000) : Can't conncet to MySQL server on '' (10061)" . When I try my own MySQL setup, the install fails, telling me it can't connect to MySQL at I can access MySQL both ways from the command line (including using the exact command logged from the install) , and have verified that the port is active using telnet. I'm running winXP SP3. At the advice of our tech dept, I've updated MSI and my .NET framework. No joy. They're stumped. Anyone have any ideas?
  13. I found that setting, but it doesn't help me understand the usage of the specific Eye Candy Sixties files - eyeCandySixtiesChartPropertiesBean.xml EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.java / .class EyeCandySixtiesSettingsFactory.java / .class Or the files which have mention of Eye Candy Sixties within them - There *IS* an eye.candy.sixties.jrctx file, but it doesn't seem to have any relevance to the theme itself
  14. Thanks, but this theme isn't like the those created using the theme editor. It's got its own class/xml files and is mentioned in several others. I can't figure out what's needed -
  15. We're trying to create a chart theme similar to the Eye Candy Sixties theme supplied with 3.5.2 There are many, many files in the demo which reference this theme, and I can't get a handle on how these files interact, or even if some of them are only required only for the demo build. Can anyone give me an overview on how the pieces fit together? I'm attaching the directory structure of all the chart theme files I've identified. Thanks - Code:chartthemes\build\classes jasperreports_extension.properties jasperreports.properties AllCharts.properties BarChartCustomizer.class ChartThemesApp.class chartthemes\build\classes\net\sf\jasperreports\chartthemes ChartThemeMapBundle.class chartthemes\build\classes\net\sf\jasperreports\chartthemes\spring AegeanChartTheme.class ChartThemesConstants$1.class ChartThemesConstants$2.class ChartThemesConstants$3.class ChartThemesConstants.class ChartThemesUtilities.class EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.class GenericChartTheme.class GradientBarRenderer3D.class GradientXYBubbleRenderer.class ScaledDialPointer.class ScaledDialRange.class ScaledDialScale.class ScaledDialValueIndicator.class SquareXYAreaRenderer.class chartthemes\build\classes\net\sf\jasperreports\chartthemes\spring\beans aegeanChartPropertiesBean.xml chartConstantsBean.xml chartThemesBeans.xml defaultChartPropertiesBean.xml defaultChartTypePropertiesBean.xml chartthemes\lib castor-1.2.jar chartthemes\src AllCharts.properties BarChartCustomizer.java ChartThemesApp.java jasperreports.properties jasperreports_extension.propertieschartthemes\src\net\sf\jasperreports\chartthemes ChartThemeMapBundle.java chartthemes\src\net\sf\jasperreports\chartthemes\spring AegeanChartTheme.java ChartThemesConstants.java ChartThemesUtilities.java EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.java GenericChartTheme.java ScaledDialPointer.java ScaledDialRange.java ScaledDialScale.java ScaledDialValueIndicator.javachartthemes\src\net\sf\jasperreports\chartthemes\spring\beans aegeanChartPropertiesBean.xml chartConstantsBean.xml chartThemesBeans.xml defaultChartPropertiesBean.xml defaultChartTypePropertiesBean.xml eyeCandySixtiesChartPropertiesBean.xml chartthemes\target jasperreports-chart-themes-3.5.1.jar chartthemes\target\classes jasperreports-extension.properties chartthemes\target\classes\net\sf\jasperreports\chartthemes\springAegeanChartTheme.class ChartThemesConstants$1.class ChartThemesConstants$2.class ChartThemesConstants$3.class ChartThemesConstants.class ChartThemesUtilities.class EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme.class GenericChartTheme.class GradientBarRenderer3D.class GradientXYBubbleRenderer.class ScaledDialPointer.class ScaledDialRange.class ScaledDialScale.class ScaledDialValueIndicator.class SquareXYAreaRenderer.classchartthemes\target\classes\net\sf\jasperreports\chartthemes\spring\beans aegeanChartPropertiesBean.xml chartConstantsBean.xml chartThemesBeans.xml defaultChartPropertiesBean.xml defaultChartTypePropertiesBean.xml eyeCandySixtiesChartPropertiesBean.xml chartthemes\target\maven-archiver pom.properties
  16. I'm trying to figure out how to apply a gradient to a bar chart using a chart theme, similar to what's done in the sample theme Eye Candy Sixties. The iReport chart theme editor doesn't have an option, and the sample eye.candy.sixties.jrctx doesn't have anything in it which sets the gradient. Any help much appreciated. Post Edited by pmccall at 12/02/2009 21:50
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