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  1. I already found related topics: http://jasperforge.org/uploads/publish/jasperreportswebsite/trunk/faq.html?group_id=252#FAQ25 http://www2.jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=60114
  2. Hi, my problem is following: In JasperPrint preview there is everything allright, but when I export it to PDF there are some words missing on first page. The reason is that JasperPrint preview is using Java font, in my case "Times New Roman" size 12, but PDF exporter is using pdfFont, in my case pdfFontName="Times-Roman". JasperPrint splits the report on pages which fits in JasperPrint preview, but PDF exporter cannot fit it all, because of different fonts and there is some words missing. Is there any smart solution of this?
  3. dejvi


    Thanks for reply Morgan. add 1) Yes, I am working with dynamic parameters in Java and I can add hard spaces as you're suggested but not every text-field is a paragraph so I have to determine somehow which text-field should be indented. Maybe, I can add own parameter to those text-fields but I'd like to do it trough iReport. add 2) I am quite satisfied with my second solution to the case of a title and a paragraph, but I need to ensure that signature (subreport) would not be alone on the last page (there must be at least one line of a previous paragraph (text-field)). And I'd like to solve this without any additional subreports, but that would probably not be possible. (Now, I'm adding split-not-allowed-band to report where is the last paragraph and signature. Then the signature is not alone on the page, but there could be a quite large gap on the previous page when the paragraph is long and does not fit on the previous page because of a close range.)
  4. dejvi


    Hi, I am intensively working with iReport for half a year, creating forms for our ministry and so far I have two problems which I can't find any smart solution. first one: As I am from Czech Republic I need to indent paragraphs. That means the first line in paragraph (text-field) should should start after some white spaces. My solution: I can mark the begging of a paragraph with some character sequence and then replace it by hard spaces (<Alt> + 0160). Disadvantage: Every paragraph starts with odd characters. second one: When I have a paragraph with a title (2 text-fields) I need to ensure that the title would not be at bottom of one page and the whole paragraph would jump on next page. In other words page wrap is not allowed between title and paragraph. My 1. solution: I can put them (these two text-fields) in one band and this band set "Is split allowed" on false. Disadvantage: Paragraph could not wrap at all, so it is useless for me. My second solution: If the first text-field (title) overlaps the whole second text-field (paragraph) then it works properly. Disadvantage: I can't use this trick with a signature which could not be alone on the last page (there must be at least one line with it so one does not sign a blank paper). Thanks for any suggestion, Dejvi
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