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  1. If I have an image at 300 DPI, is it possible to embed that 300 DPI image into a PDF with JasperReports or must I scale that image by a factor of 72/300? AFAICT, Jasper just uses pixel dimensions for images and a fixed DPI of 72, is that right?
  2. Aha! JASPER_PRINT_LIST is what I was looking for. Thanks!
  3. I have a situation where I have two working Jasper reports and a need to merge them somehow to create a single PDF. My datamodel is one to many: I have an object Foo that references zero, one, or more instances of Bar. My first report prints the details of a (singular) Foo in landscape orientation. My second report prints one to four Bars per page in portrait orientation. Both JRXML's are written and tested. Can I merge these two reports together? Ideally, I'd like to have a single JRXML and give a List of one Foo as a JRBeanCollectionDataSource to Jasper. Then Jasper would print the Bar pages if the Foo had more than zero Bars. Of particular concern to me though is that each report has a different <background> and the orientations differ. Can this be handled with subreports maybe?
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