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Posts posted by shibinthomas

  1. Hi,


    I am now using iReport 3.5.2 for creating barcode reports.

    Previously i used iReport 3.0.0 for the same. 

    In 3.0.0 if i given Image Scale = Fill Frame i will get the barcode with as

    many width(250) and height(70) i given.

    I dose not find any solution equal to 'Image Scale = Fill Frame' in 3.5.2 with barcode4j and barbeque

    In barbeque(3.5.2) when i given barwidth and height that is varing according to the data we pass to this.

    As we using barbeque previously, we prefer  barbeque(3.5.2) for futher developement .


    If any body know the solution please replay to this

    Thanks In Advance





  2. Hi All,

    I need to create bar code in 2/5 format with '.' period should be set as a separator. Example data is  21348.075.016.40 1 

    When i giving this value it throws erorr

     java.lang.RuntimeException: . is not a valid character for Standard 2 of 5 encoding

    While using iReport 3.0.0 and also in 3.5.2 with barbecue


    and barcode4j  -->


    Error filling print... java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character '. (-1)'. Expected a digit.
    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character '. (-1)'. Expected a digit.


    Dose any one know how can i represent this data -> 21348.075.016.40 1 in 2/5 barcode format.

    I am creating the barcodes for DHL Label Generation.


    Thanks in Advance,





  3. IReport 3.5.2

    Used Samples --> jasperreports-3.5.2\demo\samples\ejbql

    Used NetBeans 6.5 to run application.

    Data Base Mysql 5.1 Eecute script given in example


    I added my working directory in Ireport class path -- > E:\Home\Shibin\NetBeansProjects\EJBQLANDJASPER\build\jar

    It cotain all


    2)jar files ( toplink-essentials , toplink-essentials-agent,common...... )


    I restarted ireport (i think even though no needed) .

    I given pu1  --> persistence-unit name in EJBQL Conncetion window

    Then i clicked Test . it showing an alert No Persistence provider for EntityManager named pu1.

    Also it shows one un wanted label ( jLabel1 may be bug)




    Post Edited by shibinthomas at 07/09/2009 03:50

    Post Edited by shibinthomas at 07/09/2009 03:51
  4. Yes possible download jsperreports source from jasperforge in that in one demo \ sample showing what u exactly needed




    i added the sql u can easly check that through this(mysql)


    Shibin (shibint@gmail.com)

  5. It is compatitable. From the Report Query window u may find JavaBean Datasource tab using this u can read attributes from bean class . before reading attributes u need to add that class (jar including bean to ireport classpath. in ireport 3.5.2 Tools->Options-> tab claspath and restart ur ireport ). Then this beans attributes will be available as ireport fields. Using this fields u can create report. try this way





  6. In JRBeanCollectionDataSource(listjrbean) you should add collection of objects/beans. You need to verify bean should have getter and setter for empCode.


    For Ex

    class EmpClass


    private String empCode;


    private String empName;


    public String getEmpCode() {

    return empCode;



    public void setEmpCode(String empCode) {

    this.empCode= empCode;





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