Have done that and experimented a bit more ... the three options in "Controls Layout" for each report are : Pop-Up Window Seperate Page Top of PageI would normally have used "Top of Page", as I adjust and rerun reports using the web interface regularly. Having now successfully installed the fix that was mentioned by Lucian (thanks), and also updates to ReportTopInputControls.jsp (2,937kb) ReportTopParametersForm.jsp (25,027Kb) FillParams.jsp (4,294Kb) ViewReport.jsp (8,226Kb) ViewReportControlsDialog.jsp (5,683Kb) DefaultParametersForm.jsp (22,839Kb)After these updates, I checked with each of the methods in turn, and only the "Seperate Page" works when I have apostrophes in the parameters. "Pop up window" and "Top of Page" both don't - still! Any ideas?