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  1. Hi, we're trying to upgrade from JasperServer 3.7 to 6 (Community Edition). All working perfectly, except ... we've identified that some of the reports run in the web environment but don't from our calling application. We think we've established that this is related to the parameters being passed to the report ... Basically, when all the parameters values are passed, it works, but if we miss some out, and try to rely on the default values set in the report, it doesn't work! Can anyone shed some light on this - what's changed between the versions? - Tried looking at the release notes, but there isn't enough detail in there. Any ideas? Tony
  2. Sorry, I meant CentOS 5.7 We had successfully been running both for the last few (three?) years. I had a break from development of reports for the last 2 or so months, and I come back to it to find that I can't login. It was all working perfectly, but now for some reason, it is saying that my credentials are invalid. I enclose a screenshot for clarification. The Java memory error is no longer appearing.
  3. Still running Jasper Server 3.7 CE, but have two instances on the same server - one a LIVE version which is working fine and one for development, which isn't. The Jasperserver used for report development is on HTTP port 8080 and the live one on 8181. The MySQL is on 3307 for LIVE and 3308 for DEV. We also have a third instance of MySQL on 3306 for other things. Server is Ubuntu 5.7. My problem is that the development Jasperserver is not accepting my login credentials to the web interface, or through iReport. I have restarted Jasperserver and MySQL and httpd numerous times, but am flumoxed as to why the LIVE instance is working, but the DEV one isn't. I can browse the MySQL data without problem using MySQL tools. (Connecting with "jasperdb" and "password") Not sure if restoring from backups will help. I get errors such as "Invalid Credentials" and now "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" from Tomcat. Any help appreciated. Thanks Tony
  4. Reported as bug ... http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperserver/tracker/view.php?id=4781
  5. I take that back (slightly). "Pop Up Window" now works, but my preferred "Top of Page" still doesn't!!! Also found and installed a newer version of DefaultParametersForm.jsp (29,251Kb) Post Edited by tmochan at 07/16/2010 11:05
  6. Have done that and experimented a bit more ... the three options in "Controls Layout" for each report are : Pop-Up Window Seperate Page Top of PageI would normally have used "Top of Page", as I adjust and rerun reports using the web interface regularly. Having now successfully installed the fix that was mentioned by Lucian (thanks), and also updates to ReportTopInputControls.jsp (2,937kb) ReportTopParametersForm.jsp (25,027Kb) FillParams.jsp (4,294Kb) ViewReport.jsp (8,226Kb) ViewReportControlsDialog.jsp (5,683Kb) DefaultParametersForm.jsp (22,839Kb)After these updates, I checked with each of the methods in turn, and only the "Seperate Page" works when I have apostrophes in the parameters. "Pop up window" and "Top of Page" both don't - still! Any ideas?
  7. Just to clarify, You are running JasperServer CE 3.7.0 ? You downloaded "DefaultParametersForm.jsp" and put it in \apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\jsp Anything else?
  8. Well, the main problem is the input controls - and the fact that if they have quotes in the parameters, the report just doesn't run via the web interface. Lucian commented that this was fixed in the Pro version ... Revision 16755, 17502 or 17398 seems to have fixed it for the Pro version... but any attempt to merge this into our CE version results in a non working JasperServer!!!
  9. Having battled through the pains of the change from 3.5 to 3.7, we now realise that all the bug fixes we require to continue as we were are not going to be included until the next release of the CE version. Can anyone give me an idea of when this is likely to happen? I had thought this was about twice a year, and as the last one mid January 2010, I was hoping that there might be one soon??? Thanks Tony
  10. Is this likely to work in the CE version? I have downloaded and copied the file in the place of the original, and it broke the whole server! Do I need something else? What am I missing? Your help much appreciated.
  11. Could you point me to how to get this problem fixed from "trunk" ... not sure what to grab and where to put it???
  12. Just wondering if you can help. iReports 3.7.3 / Jasperserver 3.7 I have several datasets defined in my master report. Can I use one of these in a subreport, without having to copy the SQL? If so, what do I need to do in the master report, and what do I need to do in the subreport? Many thanks, in advance for your help. Tony
  13. This is the same problem that we have seen since we moved from JS 3.5 to JS 3.7 Reports that previously worked fine in 3.5, now no longer run at all in 3.7. IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION to Excel required for not so large report - 1800 records, but still doesn't complete using JS web interface. Works fine when automated at 4am - i.e. not with the web interface.
  14. Have now tested this using a "Group Header" band, and the fields do display in Excel output for this. However this doesn't solve the problem, as I can't put the required fields there. Lucian, has something changed since 3.5 to cause this? Can it be put back? Thanks.
  15. Yesterday I upgraded our development server to JasperServer 3.7 CE (from 3.5) and ever since, I have had exactly the same problem. Reports that worked fine exporting to Excel in the previous version, still display OK in the web interface, but when actually exporting to XLS, miss out the "Column Header" band. Haven't tested this with other bands yet, but wonder el_axtos if you are also using this band?
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