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Everything posted by jmolina

  1. HI everyone, Using, iReport 3.0, Im trying to create a graph by calling a stored procedure from a mysql database and everything seems ok since the fields appear after I write the query but when I execute my graph, I get an error saying, "category series name is null" when I call the stored procedure on the database side, it works fine but through iReport it seems fine but it is not. First off, does iReport even support mysql stored procedures?? And if it does, then what am I doing wrong??
  2. i posted this in another thread but i dont think anyone was reading it and its an urgent problem I have another table with 200 entries and i want to plot a line chart that calculates percent of time that "flag" is 0. That graph comes out beautifully because it calculates the percentage as it plots each point (progressively)...Now, the problem is that now I want to create another line chart that shows the percentage every 40 entries. In other words, the first chart plotted 200 points, the new chart should only have 5 points. I created a group called interval40 that takes the total amount of entries and divides by 40. for example: new java.lang.Integer( ($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()) /40 ) I set the reset type to group and reset group to interval40 but when i execute, the chart only plots the last entry. It returns just one plot point...I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Does anyone have any ideas??
  3. I ran into another issue that is similar but the solution for the last problem doesnt seem to apply here. I have another table with 200 entries and i want to plot a line chart that calculates percent of time that "flag" is 0. That graph comes out beautifully because it calculates the percentage as it plots each point (progressively)...Now, the problem is that now I want to create another line chart that shows the percentage every 40 entries. In other words, the first chart plotted 200 points, the new chart should only have 5 points. I created a group called interval40 that takes the total amount of entries and divides by 40. for example: new java.lang.Integer( ($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()) /40 ) I set the reset type to group and reset group to interval40 but when i execute, the chart only plots the last entry. It returns just one plot point...I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Does anyone have any ideas?? Post Edited by jmolina at 06/22/2009 21:40 Post Edited by jmolina at 06/22/2009 21:40
  4. Thanks Matt, you've helped a great deal. I was able to work out some of the issues.
  5. thanks matt, im just started using ireport last week and im not great in java. what is that expression that you wrote doing? can you please explain further?
  6. hey, I attached a file called mockdata.csv so you can see what i mean. I edited the data of course but basically the field called "flag" is either a 1 or 0. if its a 1, then i got an error and the "date/time" field marks the time of every "transaction #" on the "slot #" im trying to calculate the percentage of time elapsed from start time to end time that i didnt recieve an error, so you will see from the data that it will be mostly 100%. since the original is so big, i want to do intervals of 15 minutes but really i want to know if i can break up the graph that way. p.s. i've been tinkering around with this as we speak, and i keep getting an error that says: 1. Syntax error on token "(", ; expected value = (java.lang.Number)(if (((java.lang.Long)field_error_flag.getValue()).equals(0))//$JR_EXPR_ID=10$ ^ 2. Syntax error on token ")", delete this token });//$JR_EXPR_ID=10$ ^ 3. Syntax error on token "(", ; expected value = (java.lang.Number)(if (((java.lang.Long)field_error_flag.getOldValue()).equals(0))//$JR_EXPR_ID=10$ ^ 4. Syntax error on token ")", delete this token });//$JR_EXPR_ID=10$ ^ 5. Syntax error on token "(", ; expected value = (java.lang.Number)(if (((java.lang.Long)field_error_flag.getValue()).equals(0))//$JR_EXPR_ID=10$ ^ 6. Syntax error on token ")", delete this token });//$JR_EXPR_ID=10$ ^ 6 errors How can i get rid of that???
  7. hi everyone, im using ireport 3.0....does anyone know if it's possible to break up a time series graph of a half/whole day into intervals of 15 minutes? the choices i get jump from 1 min tick marks to 1 hour. Basically, i have a really big table that spans from 9am to 8pm and i want to create a chart that spans that whole time using 15 minute intervals but all i get is 1 minute and 1 hour intervals...the minutes graph is too big and the hours graph is too small to show any detail. i just want to know if i'm trying to do the impossible with ireport. does it have that feature? also, can this be done using a timestamp on the category axis in a line graph?
  8. and thanks matt for the tip on the multiple charts.
  9. Hi guys, I managed to figure it out, so thanks anyway....i think the problem was that i was using a parameter as my divisor instead of a variable...when i made it a variable then it worked fine.
  10. Hi everyone, I'm new to iReport so I've been perusing the forums a lot for problems I've been having and for the most part I have gotten my answer because someone else had the same problem before me. This time I cant seem to find anyone with a similar issue. My problem is that I'm trying to create an availability graph (using a line graph) which is a percentage over time of a webpage returning a hit...anyway, I'm trying to calculate a percentage with the value axis (y-axis). My expression is the following: new Long( 100 * (1-( ($F{error_flag}.longValue()) /($P{REPORT_MAX_COUNT}.intValue()) ))) error_flag is a column in my DB that is either 1 or 0 and report_max_count is the total number of entries. What I want to do is show the percentage of time that the website is available, so if error_flag is 0, then it is available 100% but when I input this, iReport tells me the expression is valid but when I plot the graph I dont get any results at all, the graph is empty. I'm totally stuck on this Please, if anybody can tell me what I'm doing wrong, it would be so appreciated. p.s. Another problem I have is I dont know how to limit the graphs that get printed. I have a database of 2000+ entries and I dont want to print 2000+ graphs plus that overloads the program and then it fails. How can I get it to print just once?
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