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Everything posted by stenky

  1. Hi All, I am a newb at JasperReports as a whole and I have the following scenario: I have a report that requires multiple parameters. All of them are multi-select query based. I have the need to display the selected values on the top of the report.I also have been able to filter on everything, but a potential 'ALL' condition. I have two questions: In order to display the selected values, do I need to utilize a scriplet with the logic as follows in the code section? The use of the All Condition. If I am using a $X{} value for this, how do I deal with this condition, where I need to state that All Items are to be included? Or can I use a $X{} structure in this case? Thank you for your assistance, Steve Code:--Assume that the ALL option will always be in place as object 0.--Display valueString paramValues = "";boolean AllSelected = false;if (Java.util.Collection.Item[0].Checked = true){ AllSelected = true;}If (AllSelected = true){ paramValues == paramValue + ‘ALL’;}Else{ For (Object chkbx : Java.util.Collection) { if (chkbx.Checked = true) { If (paramValues.length() <= 0) { paramValues+= chkbx.getName(); } Else { paramValues+= ", " + chkbx.getName(); } } }}VariableName=paramValues;
  2. Thank you for your response. I already have figure out how that part works and it is executing well. However, I am talking about the display of the selected criteria within the report itself. As an example: I have three potential selection criteria, Apple, Bongo, Carrot. 1) I select Apple and Carrot. 2) The report properly filters on Apple and Carrot. 3) I need to show on the report that the report is only using Apple and Carrot in a form such as Criteria: Apple, Carrot. The Bold area is where I am needing help. Please advise. Thank you, Steve
  3. Hello, Newby here looking for some assistance on the use and management of the Multi List information. Situation: I have created a report that includes multiple multi-select lists. One of the requirements of my report is to display in the report header the criteria that has been selected. Questions: 1) When creating the string representations of the criteria, do I need to create a variable, with a looping structure (through the java.util.collection) to determine which items have been checked? 2) If this is the case, can this be done utilizing an expression set, or do I need to create a scriplet for this purpose? 3) In general, can you perform looping structures in expressions?
  4. I am new to Jasper and iReports and I am trying to generate a report that only displays the pie chart (suppressing of the detail band). In addition, I am looking to utilize two datasets to compile the data necessary for the report (same schema, consolidating the data from two servers). I would greatly appreciate any help that anyone can provide.... Thank you, Steve
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