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  1. Yes the problem is solved thank goodness. I created a dummy group and split the various fields between the dummy header, detail band and dummy footer. I also unticked "Ignore Pagination" and set the print order to "Vertical" in the properties dialog
  2. That seems to have sorted the problem. Also this page was helpful: http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperreportswebsite/trunk/faq.html?group_id=252 Many thanks!
  3. I've just tried putting the static data into a summary or page footer band. Unfortunately it still doesn't work! The static text gets pushed onto a second page but there the bottom one or two sections of the report, "Payment Details" and "Additional Information" are sometimes still missing
  4. Hi Sorry for the confusion. I removed the query from the jrxml file because I figured it was no use unless you have the database and some data!
  5. I've attached most of the code. I think the problem is related to the fact the detail band may be larger than one page depending on the amount of data Post Edited by philhale at 05/22/2009 06:57
  6. Hi I'm fairly new to to Jaspers reports and I've put together report using iReport. Most of the time it should only be a single page. If there is a large amount of data I want it to overflow into a second page. However this never happens. The data jus disappears off the bottom of the page. I cannot work out why. I've tried unchecking the page property "Ignore Pagination", which makes no difference. Can anyone help me out? Cheers Phil
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