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Everything posted by pennywiser

  1. Hi! I'm trying to concatenate 2 fields in a single box. The box have the "Blank when null" property checked, the problem is that when the box receive any of the fields with data, and the second field in "null" it shows the null text instead the blank space. I though about fixing it by Java code, changing the null for a blank space like " " but I would like to know if there's a way to do it with iReport 1.2.5. Thanks! Code:$F{codigoRecomendaciones}+" - "+$F{ordenRecomendaciones}
  2. CBox Wrote: What about a group with flag "StartNewPage" = true and GroupExpression: $V{REPORT_COUNT} ?!?! :-) hth C-Box Finally it worked! thank you :)
  3. It's ok, now I have to test the report with the aplication.
  4. I'm a newbie at ireport, how do I group with flag the items? Edit: I have already make group with the "name" and subreports. Post Edited by pennywiser at 05/13/2009 12:18
  5. Hi, I'm trying to show only one result per page in a report that contains two subreports. The structure is: ------------------detail------------------ BUSINESS NAME SUBREPORT1 SUBREPORT2 -------------------------------------------- I'd like to get only one business name per page, so you can see a blank space between different data if needed, but I cant find a way to do that. I'm using iReport 1.2.5 Thanks! Post Edited by pennywiser at 05/13/2009 11:28
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