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Everything posted by usrprf

  1. Hi again, I'm trying now, after having solved my first Cube creation/database connections ecc. problems, to evaluate what i can really do with Analysis and JPivot. I'm now facing a problem i can easly solve using a Pivot table with Excel, that is the possibility to have customers on rows, period on columns, and compare the first 5 month of 2009 and 2008 without having the single detail of every month, but just with a total in 1 single row. The fact is that when a year has all the 12 months (like 2008 does), the total for the year is always the sum of all the records with "YEAR=2008", and not the sum of the records selected (i.e. YEAR="2008" and MONTH in (1,2,3,4,5)). I'm sure i can do that with Jasper, since its very basic and common for a BI software, but i really couldn't manage to achive my task. Does anyone has faced the same problem and could tell me how to? Thanks a lot in advance, Andrea
  2. Hi Sherman, i checked the prompt after setting "mondrian.trace.level=1" in mondrian.properties file but nothing is shown when i drill through a value while connected to a DB2. Is there another log somewhere else i can check? Regards, Andrea
  3. Hi Sherman, welcome back from your holiday /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif here attached a screenshot of what i see when i drill trough a cell. As you can see I am using Mozilla-Firefox, but the same happens with IE7 and SeaMonkey. I attached the "new window" version, but the same apply when showing the grid in the same page, under the JPivot table. Hope this help. Andrea EDIT: funny thing: i migrate my test DB into a MySQL 5 and the DrillTrough magically started working. So that must be something related to iSeries connection within Jasperserver/JPivot/Mondrian installation (don't forget that it correctly works on simple JPivot/Mondrian and in Pentaho BI). Post Edited by usrprf at 07/01/2009 12:17
  4. I've tried the same connection with the same mondrian cube in a fresh mondrian installation with embedded JPivot under an Apache-Tomcat 6.0.18 and i've noticed that the drill throuth works, so the problem must be within Jasperserver or the embedded Mondrian/JPivot. Hope this helps. Thanks, Andrea EDIT: tested it with Pentaho BI too and it works. This might be a bug. Post Edited by usrprf at 06/19/2009 15:30
  5. Hi all, as title says, when i click on a value to Drill it Through the new window appears (or the table is shown in the same page, depending on Option) but the table in it is empty (just with column names): if i click on the Excel icon, the file is correctly exported and the rows are present. The connection is a Mondrian connection, and the cube is working well. What am i doing wrong? Thanks, Andrea Post Edited by usrprf at 06/18/2009 15:05
  6. Ok, i'll keep on this thread... just tell me when i'll be a major pain in the xxx. ^^ I see in your answer that i cannot use a view outside of the hierarchy in wich it has been created. So my last question is: is it possible to make a join and create a view in the same hierarchy? or better: is it possible to make the schema works with Mondrian using a view in a join hierarchy, both obviously in the same hierarchy? Thanks again Sherman.
  7. I DO Use! On any OS version from V4R5 to V5R4. Ok... I'm a bit too late...
  8. Hey, thanks again for answer... i thouht this thread dead. For case sensitive i was referring to write ANACL00F instead of aNAcl00F, but i might be wrong. But my issue is something different. I was just curious to know if i can refer to a view created inside my schema in a join between 2 files, where the first is a phisical file that reside on my JDBC db (DB2 in my case), and the second one is the view i just created in my schema. I tried several times to refer to the created schema while doing my join, but i was unable to make it works. In most cases, the MDX is validated, but it seems Jasper stops to read the schema right after my Join declaration. I try to explain: <Dimension name="Customer"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="CCLY04" primaryKeyTable="ANACL00F"> <Join leftKey="CRA304" rightKey="KEY"> <Table name="ANACL00F"/> <-- this is my phisical file on DB2 <Table name="BFTAB_SC1"/> <-- this is a view created outside this dimension, but inside the schema </Join> <Level name="Type" table="BFTAB_SC1" column="DATI03"/> <Level name="Customer" table="ANACL00F" column="RCLI04"/> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> I tried with <View name="BFTAB_SC1"/>, with alias, i also tried to put everything inside the same dimension in the same hierarchy, or using 2 different hierarchies but no luck. I searched for example on the web but i haven't found one. Maybe my need is not really popular... Anyway, thanks again for your intervention Sherman. Code: Post Edited by usrprf at 06/01/2009 14:54
  9. Hey, thanks for quick reply! My problem is exactly what you pointed out in your second point: i need to refer to a view described inside my schema (so not BFTAB00F wich is the table without selections, but BFTAB_CS1 wich contains just the records present in the "CS1" table), and that's exactly what i'm unable to do (I'm actually not even sure if i can do that with Mondrian). In your example you used the BFTAB00F for the JOIN, and i'm sure that works since BFTAB00F is a file in the library list i've connected via JDBC; but i actually need to use a view of this file, a view where i select just the records of this file that satisfy my condition (KEYX03='SC1'), so i'm wondering how to refer to a view created inside my schema while joining 2 files. I've tried doing that with an external dimension, declarating it inside my "Customer" dimension right after the 1st level and some other attempts but no way... Oh by the way: i don't think upper/lower case is a major problem since DB2 SQL is not case sensitive. Thanks again for tips. Andrea Post Edited by usrprf at 05/18/2009 12:33
  10. Thanks for reply. I read that i'm suposed to use the view, but i may miss how to use the view i created. I mean: i create an Alias with a name and an SQL statement to define the records i want to extract. After that i create a level with the column name i need to extract. The fact is that i then need to use the view i created as a Join between the fact table and this new table, using a foreignKey of the fact table and a previously defined field in my view; the problem is that the Join structure seems to ignore my view. This is a brief explanation of my need: fact table name: DVSTA00F (that has a field called S1SCT1, 2 alpha) Original view Table: BFTAB00F (that has a 3 digits table name, and a 2 digit value) Table to Join: ANACL00F (that has a code in a field, but its description reside on the previous BFTAB00F file, and i obviously need the description instead of row ID in order to make my Alaysis clear)What that i need to do is to create a Join dimension with 2 levels: A Level with the value of the ANACL00F file, connected directly to the fat table DVSTA00F using a primary and a foreign key. A second Level with the description of the View_of_BFTAB00F record that has a specific table name (say 'SC1') connected at the fact table with a primaryKey called KEY (wich is one of the results of my view creation SQL) on the foreighKey S1SCT1.I have to solve this issue very often since in our database, the files has only IDs connected to external tables in wich i have the corresponding string value with has a meaning for those who reads the analysis. Sorry for being boring, but i really tried tons of solutions but noone seems to be appreciated by Mondrian. Here one of my attempts, the one creating a dimension for the view. I also tried to put the view creation inside a dimension but with no lack. Hope someone can give me a tip. thanks in advance, Andrea Code: EDIT: i am able to solve this problem by creating a View on my DB2 DB but, having a large quantity of tables, i would like to avoid this and to create the views at runtime. I already tested that everything works fine using a view directly on our DB2 DB. Post Edited by usrprf at 05/18/2009 10:37
  11. Hi, i'm evaluating the JS suite and i'm encountering a few problems while trying to connect to our production DB (iSeries DB2). I'm trying to do everything i need on .xml level, while leaving the production DB unchanged. What that i need to do is: - connect the table code to its description wich reside on a file that has a table name and and a record code. So, in order to join my detail table code to its description i have to join the table name and the table code (i.e. table name is "CS1" and the table record is "5"; in my statistic file i just have the "5" in a specific column, and i have to connect this code to its description in the tab file). - connect the records of 2 files using more than 1 key/fields. Are these things possible by properly create the xml file? Thanks in advance, Andrea Post Edited by usrprf at 05/11/2009 13:31
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