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Posts posted by reportah

  1. Tip

    if you are re-branding then you can rename 'jasperserver' in your webapps dir

    mv jasperserer reportserver.

    your url will now be http://somehost:8080/reportserver

    if you have made several changes to WEB-INF dir and need to  to make your own war file

    cd to the reports directory

    jar -cvf reports.war *

    I dont know how to change the script so that it deploys reportserver.war instead of jasperserver.war

    maybe somebody else can help




  2. unzipping  jasperserver-3.5.0-bin.zip on a linux results in "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding"when running "js-ant create-js-db"

    I suspect this is a Zip issue transforming the text files to something that can only be read by MS windows.

    Is there any chance of making a compilation on a linux machine in the form jasperserver-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz

    so that it can be installed on a linux machine.



  3. I have a 'java.lang.string'

    'BREAD/RYE   | |'

    I need to remove the pipe symbols from the string but keep 'BREAD/RYE'

    i tried:

    new Boolean($F{r_item_desc}.replace('|',' '))

    but that just renders $F{r_item_desc} invisable on my report

    could somebody help me with a 'Print when expression' technique that will do this.



    Post Edited by reportah at 05/29/2009 04:08
  4. hi

    I built a report with iReport then moved it to the repository.

    data from an informix database via jdbc

    date shows in iReport as 20/05/08 which is the same as in the informix table

    date shows in Jasper Server as 19/05/08

    In fact all dates in this report are minus one day

    I have tried changing Time Zones in my JNDI Data Source and on the login screen but this makes no difference





    Using Jasperserver  on linux (Centos 5.3)
    I am able to make a jdbc  data source and the test is successful
    Created a report with iReport and validated successfully
    Running the report produces errors
    com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: jsexception.error.creating.connection .............
    the DS has the following URL
    I have also tried removing all the “//” and ‘ln –s’ the database to a directory that Informix owns.
    In the form:
    This ds tests successfully but still produces the same error.

    Post Edited by reportah at 05/11/2009 05:36
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