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Everything posted by reportah

  1. Hi Sherman Is there anyway the HTML preview can be replaced by the Internal preview in iReport. Thanks
  2. Hi is there a way the html view in Jasper Server could be replaced with the Internal Preview as used in iReport. Thanks
  3. Tip if you are re-branding then you can rename 'jasperserver' in your webapps dir mv jasperserer reportserver. your url will now be http://somehost:8080/reportserver if you have made several changes to WEB-INF dir and need to to make your own war file cd to the reports directory jar -cvf reports.war * I dont know how to change the script so that it deploys reportserver.war instead of jasperserver.war maybe somebody else can help
  4. Problem solved chmod -R a+x apache-ant fixes all the above. it seems the the ant files are not unziped in an executable state Thanks
  5. unzipping jasperserver-3.5.0-bin.zip on a linux results in "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding"when running "js-ant create-js-db" I suspect this is a Zip issue transforming the text files to something that can only be read by MS windows. Is there any chance of making a compilation on a linux machine in the form jasperserver-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz so that it can be installed on a linux machine.
  6. Answering my own Question Again It has to be in Text Field Expression in the form $F{r_item_desc}.replace( "|", " " ) not in 'Print when expression' in the form new Boolean($F{r_item_desc}.replace('|',' ')) Post Edited by reportah at 05/29/2009 05:02
  7. I have a 'java.lang.string' 'BREAD/RYE | |' I need to remove the pipe symbols from the string but keep 'BREAD/RYE' i tried: new Boolean($F{r_item_desc}.replace('|',' ')) but that just renders $F{r_item_desc} invisable on my report could somebody help me with a 'Print when expression' technique that will do this. TIA Post Edited by reportah at 05/29/2009 04:08
  8. Hi I filled a frame with a colour and sent it to back for a column header. when viewing my report on the default screen - no colours are displayed. but if I view as PDF or Flash the colours are there. Thanks
  9. select your Data Source - right click and edit - select the BLANK in time zone and remember to SAVE -> check your report again.
  10. 'gotcha' forgot to save the Data Source - all good now, no more time travel
  11. hi I built a report with iReport then moved it to the repository. data from an informix database via jdbc date shows in iReport as 20/05/08 which is the same as in the informix table date shows in Jasper Server as 19/05/08 In fact all dates in this report are minus one day I have tried changing Time Zones in my JNDI Data Source and on the login screen but this makes no difference Thanks
  12. Using Jasperserver on linux (Centos 5.3)I am able to make a jdbc data source and the test is successfulCreated a report with iReport and validated successfullyRunning the report produces errorscom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: jsexception.error.creating.connection .............the DS has the following URLjdbc:informix-sqli://inflairva.test.org:1526//usr//infapp//inflair//catadd:INFORMIXSERVER=lnx_se_tcpI have also tried removing all the “//” and ‘ln –s’ the database to a directory that Informix owns.In the form:jdbc:informix-sqli:inflairva.test.org:1526//catadd:INFORMIXSERVER=lnx_se_tcpThis ds tests successfully but still produces the same error.Thanks Post Edited by reportah at 05/11/2009 05:36
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