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  1. Hello, I have a report with some subreports. I'm using JR1.3 (I can not upgrade) nad i have a little troble when the subreport overflow the page. The new page is created but it is empty! I can not understand why, but if the subreport ar too high and there is the need of another page this will be empty (also without header and footer)... I set the overflow to true for every subreport. Do you have some suggestions? Thanks
  2. Thank you, another little question, please: I want to add a boolean expression for "Print when ..." to check if the subreport is not empty (for hide the box that contains all subreports), something like "new Boolenan(!subRep1.isEmpty || !subRep2.isEmpty ...)" but my report uses this source: (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource() that has no "size()" or "isEmpty()" method... thank you
  3. Hello everybody, I'm new of JR, and i have to setup a report with some lists, something like this: User Data: ... User Access: (rows as list of accesses) User Topics: (rows as list of topics) User Friends: (rows as list of friends) If I well understand JR, I must use a subreport for each list. My problem is that i would like to not print the subreport if there are no rows (I'm using JRXmlDataSource.subDataSource()), and than if the first subrecord is long the second must move down. How i can setup the subreport to change his height with his rows? Thanks .
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