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Everything posted by calathea

  1. I've just run into this problem as well so i would love to see it implemented. Ironically when i searched for the problem i found my original post almost a year ago to the day that first asked about it.
  2. I know its possible to log the sql that was executed but is it possible to log the report that was run? I am migrating some of our reports to a new warehouse and only want to do the ones that are used frequently.
  3. At some point in the near future i need to refactror most of the reports i look after to a new database warehouse, i also intend to add some sort of version control using the import/export function and SVN. It would be nice to take advantage of Jasperreports 4.0 and Ireport 4.0 but obviously thats out of step withe Jasperserver. So i was wondering if any one knows if the release of Jasperserver 4.0 is imminent? If so i can start the porting now, get the reports working in iReport and then just upload them when i am ready.
  4. I am maintaining a jasperserver that has a single login used by everyone called reports. Sometimes and it seems quite random when people try to login they get an "invalid credentials" error. This seems to go away on its own after a while but has a habit of returning. does anyone know what might cause this?
  5. I tried to do this with a export/import script. Do all the dev work on a test server, then when you want to deploy, export everything from the dev site and import into production. Also gets round the slight problem of overwriting a report by mistake.
  6. I've got a report that produced some charts. In Ireport they display correctly, both locally and run from the server. Once on the server though the charts are blank, both in IE and firefox. However if i export them as a pdf they display correctly. Anyone know why this would be?
  7. I am not at work at the moment but will check my logs tommorow and see if i can see anything with my error, i assume they are in a log directory somewhere?
  8. I've had a play with this today and am able to get a simple one dimension cube to work on 3.1 but then get the error when i try the exact same files and steps in 3.5. I then tried my original schema as above with two dimensions on 3.1 and i found this error when i tried to add the MDX query The following is not a valid MDX Query: Mondrian Error:Duplicate table alias 'febuary_billing' in cube 'Demo' Might that be the underlying problem but 3.5 interprets it in another way and gives the big error message? As an aside, coming from perl, java really does like producing large un-helpful error messages.
  9. rodriguezum Wrote: i got many errors of this kind when i was starting to develop schemas, and mostly were schema errors, even though the schema is validated (it has the correct formation) it does not mean that is correct, only by creating some mdx querys and running them you will get the full picture, also like sherman, i recommend restarting the server first If it was a schema error though wouldnt it fail when you uploaded it to the server? In these cases the schema and MDX query is validated, both in the workbench and on the server its self. Its only when you try to launch the view that the error occurs. Here is a small example schema and MDX query that i have tried to upload. <Schema name="Demo"> <Cube name="Demo" cache="true" enabled="true"> <Table name="febuary_billing"> </Table> <Dimension type="StandardDimension" foreignKey="sequencing_division" name="Seq_division"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="sequencing_division"> <Table name="febuary_billing"> </Table> <Level name="seq_division" column="sequencing_division" type="String" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never"> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Dimension type="StandardDimension" foreignKey="project_name" name="Project"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="project_name"> <Table name="febuary_billing"> </Table> <Level name="project" column="project_name" type="String" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="Regular" hideMemberIf="Never"> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Measure name="New Measure 0" column="passed" aggregator="sum" visible="true"> </Measure> </Cube> </Schema> and the MDX SELECT {[Measures].AllMembers} ON COLUMNS, {([Project].[All Projects],[seq_division].[All Seq_divisions])} ON ROWS FROM [Demo] ---------------------------------- | | New Measure 0 | +--------------+-------------------+---------------+ | All Projects | All Seq_divisions | 150 | I also tried the workbench generated MDX but with the same result SELECT [Measures].AllMembers ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize(([Project].[All Projects].Children * [seq_division].[All Seq_divisions].Children)) ON ROWS FROM [Demo] Now, both the workbench and the server can find no fault with this, until you try to run the view. Question is is it a problem with the server/workbench for sucessfully validating somethnig which is wrong? Or is the problem with the running of a view thats correct? I have no doubt that i have made a mistake somewhere in my coding but its annoying to have two apps validate it ok, only for it to fall down at the last hurdle. Hopefully we can all find a solution to this, i can almost taste the jasperanalysis goodness around the corner, plus the kudos this will bring when i can demo it to the bosses.
  10. Does anyone know why an MDX query that is generate and verifed in the Analysis Workbench will not run on the server? Using the FoodMart demo data the workbench generates this SELECT [Measures].AllMembers ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize(([Product].[All Products].Children * [Time].[All Times].Children)) ON ROWS FROM [sales] But when this is run on the server you get an error The following is not a valid MDX Query: Mondrian Error:MDX object '[Time].[All Times]' not found in cube 'Sales' So, if i modify this to match what the Workbench guide says : SELECT [Measures].AllMembers ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize(([Product].[All Products].Children * [Time].[Year].Members)) ON ROWS FROM [sales] The query gets saved. Now when i try to run the view i now get another error : javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy This is more than a little frustrating as this appears to be following both what the guide says and also the workbench thinks its perfectly valid, which rather defeats the point of both of them. I guess i will have to bite the bullet and pay for the guides but this really shouldnt be that hard to get something this simple to work correctly.
  11. I'd be interested in this too as i have just had the same error, even though it validated perfectly well in the workbench which does beg the question whats the point of using the workbench if it doesnt match the server?
  12. Yes i guess that is more what i am looking for. I tried working through the tutorial but for some reason when i looked at the Foodmart demo every item has a red cross by it saying "Schema must be set" This is just using the default set-up from the jasperserver/analysis install. I was asked by my manager to look at writing reports and while playing around with iReport and Jasperserver i found the analysis views and can see them being incredibly useful for our users. Where can i find more info about the questions you mentioned?
  13. Hi, Is there a guide/turorial available for JasperAnalysis Workbench? Is this covered in the jasperanalysis ultimate guide ?
  14. I am trying to make some monthly pie charts where there is sometimes 3 and sometimes 4 segments. The data would look something like May A 10 B 34 C 54 D 5 June A 23 C 76 D 122 What i would like is to be able to set the colours for A,B,C and D so that A would always be Red, B would be Yellow, C Green and D Blue. By default the colours are orderd by segment, first second third etc but this makes it hard to spot trends in data over a number of months. Any ideas?
  15. I have a report that works fine in Ireport that takes a collection of values in puts them in a where clause : where $X{IN,c.clonename,clones} where clones is something like : Fozzie,Yogi. This works fine on iReports, when i upload it to the server it asks me for an input type, if i give it a single value it then complains : Incompatible java.lang.String value assigned to parameter clones in the rcc_summary dataset So it trying to pass a string when it expects a collection. The question is, how/where do i tell the input control to be a collection? The options available don't seem to match what iReport makes available. Any help would be great as we were looking to port all our reporting over to Jasper, but at the moment i cannot see this happening.
  16. Is is possible to allow a user to paste in a list of values and then pass this to a sql statement? eg Fozzie Yogi Baloo Needs to go into : select * from bear where name in $P{Bearname} Do I really have to make the users supply the list as - > 'Fozzie','Yogi','Baloo'??? Making the user of the report jump though hoops just to enter the information in the correct format seems wrong, you should be able to accept any input in any format and process it. Post Edited by calathea at 05/27/2009 16:03 Post Edited by calathea at 05/27/2009 16:06
  17. Is anyone else finding the undo button next to useless when changing the layout of a report? I have moved elements around and either not been happy with it or get an error message about something being outside of a region and clicking on undo, even though it says which action its going to go back to, it never seems to? I am having to constantly save, quit and reload all the time and its a real pain.
  18. Thanks for that, do you open that path in iReport to edit them?
  19. Should i be able to update or make a change to an existing report on the Jasperserver? I can make edits but cannot seem to save them back to the server even if it says so. Having to delete a report just to change a single element and add it all again everytime is going to get very tiresome very quickly.
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