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Everything posted by johanandren

  1. Hello. I have created a custom component for our reports following the demo/barcode example and I am now trying to add it to one of our reports by adding a componentElement block to our jrxml like in the example. I am now stuck with this problem: To specify the namespace for my custom component i need to define schemaLocation, the xsd-file for my report is placed on classpath in a jar together with the custom component. When I set it to a relative classpath to the xsd-file and then try to compile the report or view it in iReport in design mode i get an error that the file cannot be found (the xml parser treats the relative path as an absolute path in the filesystem). Is it possible to get jasper to tell the XML-parser to look for my .xsd in the classpath? In my spring beans-file which i have based on the xml in the barcode demo i have an xmlParser with a "internalSchemaResource" pointing to the xsd-file on the classpath. Is it possible to avoid coding any path to the .xsd file in the report xml and make it use that? Thanks.
  2. Ok, so I found the example report that uses the custom component in demo/barcode and following that example on how to add a custom component in the jrxml with the componentElement block I now have this problem: To specify the namespace for my custom component i need to define schemaLocation, the xsd-file for my report is placed on classpath in a jar together with the custom component. When i try with a relative classpath to the xsd-file and then try to compile or view the report in iReport in design mode i get an error that the file cannot be found (the xml parser treats the relative path as an absolute path in the filesystem). Is it possible to get jasper to tell the XML-parser to look for my .xsd in the classpath? In my spring beans-file which i have based on the xml in the barcode demo i have an xmlParser with a "internalSchemaResource" pointing to the xsd-file on the classpath. Is it possible to avoid coding any path to the .xsd file in the report xml and make it use that? Post Edited by johanandren at 05/13/2009 09:30
  3. We have created a custom component following the barcode example in the jasper reports project package and the description in the "JasperReport Ultimate Guide". Now we have come to the next step, but we have no clue about how to actually use our custom component in a report through iReport. Anyone knows how to add a custom component into the iReport palette or just by editing the jrxml-file? Thanks
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