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  1. Hello All, I'm a newbie here. My requirement is that I need to print a dynamic report containing UTF-8 characters to PDF. This has to be done without using JRXML file. I'm able to view UTF-8 characters in Jasper ReportViewer. But when I print to PDF file, the UTF-8 characters are not correctly printed. Only some characters gets printed. This problem exists only for printing to PDF file. I can successfuly print to XML, XLS, HTML, etc. The sample code is listed below. Also, please help on how to auto-adjust column size when printing to different formats. Thanks in advance, Jose. Code: JRDesignStyle unicodeChars = new JRDesignStyle(); unicodeChars.setName("Unicode_Chars"); unicodeChars.setFontName("Arial"); unicodeChars.setFontSize(12); unicodeChars.setItalic(true); unicodeChars.setPdfFontName("Arial"); unicodeChars.setPdfEncoding("UTF-8"); italicStyle.setPdfEmbedded(false); jasperDesign.addStyle(unicodeChars);
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