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Posts posted by loge

  1. Hi,

    seems i am the POM error finder here ;-) If you use the jasper reports POM you are no more compatible with Struts 1.3.x applications because you request the most recent version of commons-digester. But with 2.0 of digester, Struts 1 doesnt work anymore. I dont know what this version expression means exactly because i ve never seen it so far, but at the end it looks as jasper requests the most recent digester version which is bad. See POM excerpt in code section.


    Perhaps someone can explain what [1.7,) means.... this looks total weird and even if this expression is valid. Jasper shouldnt request 2.0 if it doesnt need it.


    Feedback appreciated. To me it looks (together with the other POM issue i reported regarding missing deps in M2 repo) like if the POM could be maintained with a litle bit more "love" ;-) At least i am sure that you definitely want to run side-by-side with Struts1 because its install base is massive.





    Post Edited by loge at 04/26/2009 23:11
  2. just for the record. I resolved it by putting these two jars in my own Maven repos and because i am using Nexus for repos management and my project points to my local Nexus Manager which in turn searches my own and also remote repositories, its working. But i dont think everyone has such an "advanced" dependency resolving backend. So most users who just point to the M2 repository will be out of luck.....


  3. Hi,


    just tried to download Jasper 3.5.0 via Maven/POM in M2 repos. Jasper is requesting jfreechart 1.0.12 and jcommon 1.0.15. Both of them are not available in M2 Repos. Only the versions before (1.0.11 and 1.0.14) are there. Should i use a different Maven Repos or is it just wrong? ;-)



  4. Teodor,

    thanks for quick and extensive reply on my questions. Highly appreciated. I think we will go with Jasper and try it now and see how things are going.

    BTW, we use a barcode library called RBarcode. Its low-end commercial, so unfortunately not OSS. But i have not seen a good OSS barcode library yet and we make extensive use of Barcodes. 

    Just for the record why BIRT doesnt made it in our company (sadly we have one project in production with birt now):


    * memory footprint is crazy (thanks to OSGi), even needed to tweak VM memory params for BIRT

    * you need to do javascripting inside report even for the most trivial things

    * no Maven repos for BIRT core and deps


    But with Birt one was able to really embedd images inside the Report file. That was kind of cool because this way you dont need to worry about filepaths and URLs and stuff. Its always tricky to know what the root filepath for a certain classloader is.

    If we succeed with Jasper in the first months, we might go to the next level and use some other enterprise stuff and pay for support and things but first we need to see how its going overall....



    Marc Logemann, CEO Logentis GmbH


  5. Hi,


    we want to drop BIRT for some reasons i dont want to mention now. I can name them if someone is interessted. Instead i wanna ask some questions regarding Jasper:


    * Is is possible to embed images in reports?

    * is it possible to dynamically add barcodes via dynamic images for instance?

    * Is Jasper with it newest versions listed in M2 repository?

    * Is the documentation updated regulary?

    * Is it easy to supply runtime values to reports? (Collections, Dates, String, .....)

    * How big are the needed runtime JARs for Jasper? (BIRT was very excessive)


    Thanks for giving me details and perhaps you can tell me why i should not switch to Pentaho :-) I am really searching for a embeddable reporting solution which makes simple things simple and advanced things possible.



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