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  1. Hi, I have a MySQL database, which stores texts as longtext. In this texts i have tab stops, spaces and so on. When i read this texts with ireport, the tab stops and spaces will be deleted. I only get the text. e.g in the database 02.09.2010 text text with jasperreport i get: 02.09.2010 text text And now my question, WHY WERE THEY DELETED /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif? Thank you for you help! IceT Post Edited by icet18 at 08/16/2010 08:58
  2. 1000 thanks to you! Let me say, you are my IReport-Hero :-)!!! Everything work fine! Sry for wasting your time. Tell your boss greetings from me ;-) The next karma point for you is sure. thanx iceT
  3. sry, i tried to get the last page, but maybe it is impossible with my knowledge :-( I made the currentPage variable, i have my textfield as double (carry over). my textfield (variable) is called "$V{uebertrag}" the textfield sums up some values for my carry over. I want to hide this $V{uebertrag} on the last page. on the text field expression there stands of course $V{uebertrag} now i have to rewrite the text field expression with this: $V{currentPage}.equals($V{PAGE_NUMBER}) ? "SHOW" :"HIDE" ??? I also tried this : $V{currentPage}.equals($V{PAGE_NUMBER}) ? "$V{uebertrag}" :"" but i doesnt work! are SHOW and HIDE some internal parameters? thanx iceT What about the karma points? i gave you one! Can i give you as much as i want, or what :-)? Post Edited by icet18 at 04/09/2010 07:25
  4. Wow, thanks for you work! It looks a little bit difficult, but it is almost that what i need! :-) I will try to build your functionallity to my jasper file today! Can you please answer one more question to me? How can i tell a variable or a static text (e.g. the carry over) not to be shown on the last page (but on all pages before)? For not showing on the first page i can say: Print when expression: $V{PAGE_NUMBER}>1 How can i do this for the last page, when i have a varibel page number. Thank you very much. iceT
  5. The report is for creating a bill. So all i know is how many rows fitts on a page (eg. 19 rows). But it is also possible that there are only 5 rows on the page (1-page- bill). Or eg 3 rows on the last page (2-page-bill). So its variable :-) Thanx
  6. Thank you for your answer. No, my report can have 1 to n pages. So when i have 1 page i do not need a carry over, when i have more pages i need a carry over. Thanx iceT
  7. Hi, I'm quite new with ireport/jasperreport so i hope somebody of you can help me?!? I have got two questions: 1.) Is it possible to convert a String to a Double with IReport/Jasperreport? 2.) The second is much more important. I want to make a carry-over (I hope this is the right englisch word). How can i make this? Sure i make a variable, say SUM, say the reset type and so on. But how can i make this, that the carry over is (eg. i have 2 pages) on the first page below my positions, and on the second page over my positions? Example: 1page ###### 1|2pices|2€|4€ 1|2pices|2€|4€ -------------------- carry over = 8€ 2page #### carry over = 8€ 1|2pices|2€|4€ ------------------- end price = 12€ Thank you very much! iceT
  8. hi, I get my data from a mysql database. When i display my positions in the detail band of japserreport (ireport) I have the problem that i get different size of data. So there is no line wrap! Can jasperreport recognizes the correct size of a the data? eg. The detail band has e.g. the height of 100. when i display 2 datasets, which have only one line ->OK example 1: 1 Car 34 76 2 Tree 65 87 when i display 2 datasets, where one has 2 lines -> Jasperreport cuts the secound line examle 2: 1 Car 34 76 2 dfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfsfddfdfdfdfdfdsfds ddfsdfdsfsdfsdfsfsfsffsfsfds 65 87 Thanks for your help. iceT
  9. hi, i am trying to design a report from a mysql database as source. i have in the detail band following fields: --------------------------------------------------- 1 3434 computer 2 10 2 3456 printer 3 10 SUM 50 3 3445 cd 1 5 4 1232 dvd 2 5 SUM 15 ---------------------------------------------------------- I want to display the SUM line bold, it shoud be a kind of subtotal. How can i do this? I get everything from the database. This works correct. if i get something like this from the database e.g. "<b>SUM</b>. Can jasperreport display this? Hopefully someone could help me with my problem!! Thanx iceT
  10. Hi, Im using the ireport plugin for netbeans (and a mysql database with type innodb). now when im useing ireport i can connect to the database using the wizard. everything works fine! But when i want to create a report, i use the sql statement: ----------------------------------- use test; select * from customer; ------------------------------------ I'm getting an Mysql Error. What i'm doing wrong? ________________________________________________________________ Query error Message: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: SQL problems: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select * from customer' at line 2 Level: SEVERE Stack Trace: SQL problems: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select * from customer' at line 2 com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.data.fieldsproviders.SQLFieldsProvider.getFields(SQLFieldsProvider.java:360) com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.connection.JDBCConnection.readFields(JDBCConnection.java:479) com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.wizards.ConnectionSelectionWizardPanel.validate(ConnectionSelectionWizardPanel.java:126) org.openide.WizardDescriptor$7.run(WizardDescriptor.java:1357) org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:572) org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:997) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for your help! iceT
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