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Everything posted by rvijaysubs

  1. Hi, I have a report where in I have to show the data for an entire month. I want to fix the number of columns to 31. Now the data is such that the number of rows might be different because of which I have used crosstabs. Is there a way I can fix the number of columns to 31? Thanks. Warm regards. Vijay.
  2. Hi, I get the data from the SQL query in the following manner - ORDER_ID SCHEDULED_DATE FREQUENCY_TIME ADMINISTERED_BY 1 10/10/2009 12:00 P1 1 10/10/2009 1:00 P2 1 10/10/2009 2:00 P3 1 10/10/2009 3:00 P4 1 10/11/2009 12:00 P5 1 10/11/2009 1:00 P6 1 10/11/2009 2:00 P7 1 10/11/2009 3:00 P8 3 10/12/2009 2:00 P1 3 10/12/2009 4:00 P2 3 10/12/2009 6:00 P3 3 10/12/2009 8:00 P4 I want to show it in the following manner - 10/10/2009 10/11/2009 1 12:00 P1 P5 1:00 P2 P6 2:00 P3 P7 3:00 P4 P8 3 2:00 P1 4:00 P2 6:00 P3 8:00 P4 I have made 1 report and 1 subreport. In the main report, i made the Column 1 and Column 2. Column 3, 4 and onwards depend upon the data. So, for them, I made a subreport. The problem I am facing is that the the data (P1, P2 and others) are not coming horizontally. I have attached the jrxml files. If I am not clear with my question, could you provide with any suggestions on how I could get the desired table structure. Thanks. Vijay. Post Edited by rvijay17 at 10/26/2009 13:32 Post Edited by rvijay17 at 10/26/2009 13:34
  3. Hi, I have a master report with multiple subreports. The master report has a query which passes the ORDER_IDs of a particular Resident to all the subreports. I want the first subreport to generate data completely (for all ORDER_IDs of that resident) and then move on ot the next subreport. I searched the forum and found this post. In the post, jmartens suggested to make the Position Type to float but that did not help. Is there any other way to generate the subreports as intended? I have attached the files for your reference. testReport.jrxml - Master report Page3.jrxml - First subreport Page4.jrxml - Second subreport Regards, Vijay.
  4. I want to create a PDF report with two columns. Column 1 has the Student IDs and Column 2 has the page numbers in which the all information about the students are mentioned. The description page can be more than a single page. Can this be done using jasper where-in we know the page numbers of subsequent pages? if not the page numbers, can we make links clicking on which can lead to that page? Regards, Vijay. Post Edited by rvijay17 at 10/07/2009 13:36
  5. Hi All, In my web application, I create a PDF at runtime and call the true); to print the PDF. It works great when deployed in Tomcat in Windows but fails when deployed in Linux. I searched the internet and foud few solution. First was to put java.awt.headless=true in catalina.sh but this gives the HeadlessException. Then I tried setting the DISPLAY but to no avail. Isn't there anything which can be done to show the Print dialog? Vijay. JasperPrintManager.printReport(jasperPrint,
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