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Everything posted by kingsteff

  1. Hello, i am facing a problem with the pdf export functionallity of the jasperserver 3.5. if there is a static text elemt which is marked as bold styled, this is ignored within the export. all other styling types such as underlined or italic are working in the export, only bold seeams to be left out. why could this be ?!? the export in my local ireport is working also fine. do i have to install additional fonts to the server ? thanks for help steff
  2. Hello, my current problem is that the excel file that is the result of the report, looks completey so as desired, but when i open it in ms-excel and i want to fromat a cell by clicking rightmousebutton on a cell and choose "fomat cell" this isnt possible. the dialog do not even pop up then. anyone has an idea to fix this? thx steff Post Edited by kingsteff at 07/01/2009 12:09
  3. fyi jasperforge.org/uploads/publish/jasperreportswebsite/JR%20Website/jasperreports_configuration_reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text
  4. hi tom, as i did my xls reports, i come to some conclusions. 1. excel is not as easy to handle as pdf. so row and band height and width must be aligned and adjusted ver very carefully. the best well be to work with the absolut pixel count. 2. why strech with overflow is a bad thing when it comes to excel? see 1. :) you can not say what the exact height is when the engine streches the cell. better is to disable this function and set the "net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text" to TRUE, for each cell. so the original dimension will not be changed and the content is complete. the jrxml file in your designer mode in ireport must look excactly like the outcoming xls file! that was the only way i fixed my excel export problems. in your case i would half the first row height ,so that everything in the first row has the same height. just give the subsystem column a little more width. then disable for all fields the strech with overflow and insert the propertie i mentioned above. that should do it good luck steff Post Edited by kingsteff at 05/12/2009 14:06 Post Edited by kingsteff at 05/12/2009 14:08
  5. very difficult to understand ... the problem of yours. two things: first:dont set the cells to strech! set the cell(row) height to the same as in your subreports. then its gonna fit the lines. second: try to avoid subreport! try to think of a better way to gather all informations in one single query. hope that helps... steff
  6. finally i got the answer. because i dont want to strech the cells, bute also what to be the content into it. i set the property net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text = TRUE (thanks for the answer also) which is false by default. so try this if u have the same problems bye steff Post Edited by kingsteff at 04/20/2009 09:54
  7. Hello there, my problem is: everytime i generate a report as an XLS File, i got much content in every cell (text only) an this content is beeing automatically cut off, especially when there is a line break in it. "This is an example" --> only "This is an" is the content of the cell. how can i fix this? enlarge cell height or width won't do the trick, cause what is if there are two or three line breaks?? thanks for help steff
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