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  1. The problem is that I am printing directly to a printer, so can't use Export Manager. regards, Nirvan.
  2. Srikanth, Thanks for the reply, but there is no such attribute "isIgnorePageMargins" in the JasperReport element. regards, Nirvan
  3. I am trying to print a cheque through jasper reports. One of the textField I have is the "Amount In Words". On the physical cheque it has two lines. The second line is to be used when the first line is full. In the jrxml file, I can't use the option "IsStretchWithOverflow" for the "Amount in words" textField because the two lines (physically) are not aligned horizantally. The lower line has 'X' position smaller than the upper line and the width's are different too. Another option is to define two textFields and have the second textField filled after the first one is completely filled by the engine. The problem in this approach is that at runtime, I don't know when the first textField gets filled completely. I can access the report data and get the number of characters it consists of. But then this number of characters cannot be used to predict the width they will be using in the report. So this option also may not work. Does anyone have idea how to tackle this problem regards, Nirvan.
  4. I believe we can't use parameters for setting the attributes. But there is the JasperDesign api which allows to modify the attribute settings dynamically at runtime. So I will close this question. regards, Nirvan.
  5. I included an entry pointing to jdk in the "ireport.conf" file in etc folder. Now it seems to be working. Nirvan
  6. Hi, I downloaded the latest iReports windows installer file "iReport-nb-3.5.1-windows-installer.exe" and installed it on windows XP. Now when I start the iReports program, I get an error "JDK 5.0 or newer cannot be found on the machine". I have jdk installed on my pc as is evident by the output of the following command. java -version Output: java version "1.5.0_06" Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05) Java HotSpot Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode). Why is iReports unable to locate the JDK installed on my pc. regards, Nirvan
  7. I am relatively new to jasper reports and am struggling with the basics of specifying size of reportElement. I believe we have to specify size(x, y, width and height) in terms of pixels. How do we calculate the number of characters that would be available for some amount of pixel specified. That is what is the characters per pixel ratio. Also, from where can I find the demo samples of jasper reports. regards, Nirvan. Post Edited by Nirvan Buddha at 04/13/09 18:02
  8. Thanks very much for your help. I downloaded the jar file from the site indicated by you and got the basic report working. regards, Nirvan
  9. Thanks very much for the responses. @CBox -- I have downloaded the three jar files listed at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=36382&package_id=28579&release_id=670820 . One of them is listed as jasperreports-3.5.0-javaflow.jar but that doesn't contain the class(Continuable) JasperReport is looking for. I am not sure which package you are talking about when you say the "the full JasperReports Project". @rkozlowski -- I know that I need the "commons-javaflow-20060411.jar", but it isn't available on the apache site. There is only source files available on the apache website. Please let me know if you know where to download the jar file(binaries). regards, nirvan
  10. I am using "jasperreports-3.5.0.jar" for generating a simple pdf report. I get the following exception. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/javaflow/bytecode/Continuable. I understand that the class being sought is from the javaflow jar file. But I already have "jasperreports-3.5.0-javaflow.jar" in my classpath. After searching the net, I believe that the jar file "commons-javaflow-20060411.jar" seems to be the missing jar file. But I am unable to find any site which offers a download for the same. Please let me know whether this said jar file is required or not, and if required, where to download it from. regards, nirvan.
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