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Everything posted by ryangardner

  1. I built one for OS X. This URL worked for me: svn checkout --username anonsvn http://jasperforge.org/svn/repos/ireportfornetbeans password is anonsvn I believe.
  2. Are you using the latest trunk version of iReport? Annotations are broken in the 3.5.0 release version, but I have been able to work with them with my own build of the svn trunk. The thread where we were working on this is here: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=54839
  3. I am working to create a report that contains time series data for the column names. EG: April May June TOTAL Foo 1 0 0 1 Bar 3 5 0 8 Total 4 5 0 9 The data I have contain distinct dates. I'm filling my report with a datasource and passing it in. I'm wondering if I can have Jasper handle putting the data into the time-based bins if I can create some kind of time series for the columns and then have some way to evaluate if the data fits into those bins? I.e. if two date records with the name property "foo" have the dates of 1/12/09 and 1/20/09 and I have it set up to use month-based time series for the columns that I would get "2" in the January column... etc. I can't imagine I'm the first person to have this kind of a reporting need, but I've not been able to find any information about this by searching for "crosstab" and "time series" or anything else related. If this isn't posssible, I suppose I can rely on my datasource to provide the data - I'll just have to do a bit more work to get my hibernate-based datasource to put in blank rows for missing values. I'll also have to figure out the proper sorting so my months dont keep being put in alphabetical order in my crosstab. Post Edited by Ryan Gardner at 04/17/09 17:04
  4. I submitted a patch to Spring to add in a JasperReportsXmlViewFeel free to vote on it if you want it added. I've already been using it to make a simple XmlView that is used with the flex viewer. For those who prefer this approach over the XmlServlet - this patch makes it quite easy to do. http://jira.springframework.org/browse/SPR-5667 Ryan
  5. Ok, I did some more testing and debugging. I WAS able to get it to work. When I got it connected to my debugger and was stepping through it, everything in the hibernate annotation scanning looked like it was working perfectly fine - so I was confused why it didn't seem to work. What I was seeing was that I would create the new report from a HIbernate datasource, but when I got to the list of fields I wouldn't have any fields listed - which I thought was an error. I see in the code now that the hibernate datasource doesn't give a list of fields - so after picking the datasource the rest of the wizard is pretty empty. After going in and selecting the report and then editing the query - it works. I can type in my hql queries and I see the fields loaded in the list and I am able to build and preview reports. So - thanks for your work. Now I need to go learn how to use the tool itself :) It might be worth considering putting that query box right after the datasource box for the hibernate datasource - because I imagine if you have the user enter in an HQL query after specifying the datasource that you will then get a list of fields and the rest of the report wizard should work properly. I'm definitely a newbie when it comes to the netbeans platform but once I get the basics done I can look into helping with that (if someone else hasn't done it already). Thanks - I can confirm that with my existing annotation config (although I it was slightly modified - I had to remove the mapping package= part , and i did put the explicit jdbc stuff in it ) I was able to build some simple reports and see data pulled from my database in the preview window.
  6. teodord Wrote: Hi, An upload request was posted on the Maven upload website, but was not yet resolved: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-2409 It usually takes a few weeks. Thanks, Teodor Is there an updated pom file for the 3.5.0? I was just wanting an easy way to grab 3.5.0 and all of its required dependencies - are there any updated dependencies from 3.1.2? I can easily just piece together something to use locally if there aren't any dependency version changes. Ryan EDIT: Nevermind :) The Pom.xml is included in that bundle jar on that upload request. I'll use that. Post Edited by Ryan Gardner at 04/09/09 17:53
  7. Thanks for your help - I can get it now to say it is able to connect. I had to remove my mapped package element - which I believe only identifies the place to grab named queries, and I had some of my @Embeddable pieces mapped in mapped class elements which was causing it to fail also. Now that the connection loads, I'm wondering if there is something else I'm doing wrong. If I go to create a report using this datasource, none of the fields show up in the list and when I go to edit the query in HQL it doesn't show any beans in the righthand side. It seems that this is getting closer now. I wonder if something such as my use of enums is causing it? (I have a few fields marked with @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) - I think the EnumType is new to the annotations for hibernate and wasn't in the older versions - maybe this is making somme internal code barf?) Is there a way to configure a more verbose logging level? The IDE log doesn't give any indication why the list of fields is empty. Post Edited by Ryan Gardner at 04/09/09 16:19
  8. Thanks for your help on this - but unfortunately - I'm not having luck with it yet :( Here's the IDE log. http://pastebin.com/fca44d3c Here's what my hibernate.cfg.xml looks like - see any glaring errors? <hibernate-configuration> <session-factory> <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MYDB</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property> <property name="hibernate.query.substitutions">true 1, false 0</property> <property name="hibernate.generate_statistics">true</property> <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect</property> <mapping package="com.foo.domain" /> <mapping class="com.foo.domain.Address" /> <mapping class="com.foo.domain.ContactPreference" /> ..(the rest of the mapping classes).. <mapping class="com.foo.domain.User" /> </session-factory> </hibernate-configuration> Post Edited by Ryan Gardner at 04/09/09 03:33
  9. Excellent! I will go try it out now :) I'm glad you seem to have it working - because I didn't have much luck yet with my feeble attempts :) Ryan
  10. Hm. I've finally got my project building and I've tried to throw in the hibernate jars, but haven't had success yet. In addition to the hibernate jars, the latest hibernate needs slf4j to work. I might have had it all in place once but then got some exceptions in something and that was before I discovered the IDE log menu option to debug that... So now I'm still kind of banging my head against it. Is there an easy way to launch the production app in a way that a debugger can attach to it? I'm more of a web developer than an app developer - and I don't see the normal main method (because its probably part of the nbplatform - so that's to be expected). All I'm doing at this point is swapping out jars that get included in the ireport/modules/ext/ directory. Can I just swap out jars there and update some xml file and then run again? (or do I even need to update any file other than just swapping out jars in that directory while I'm trying to pin down what exactly is needed?)
  11. that sounds good to me. the AnnotationConfig should work even if annotations aren't being used - but having a checkbox to disable it sounds like a good idea to me. As far as the hibernate version - I think the latest is 3.3.1GA I'll try checking that version out and seeing if I can do anything to help. How is Netbeans support for something like Maven? Perhaps migrating to a maven-based project would make handling dependency versions extremely easy (and would have the side benefit of making parts of the project more IDE-agnostic - since both NetBeans and IntelliJ seam to like Maven - and eclipse users can always generate eclipse files from their maven pom files)... the other side benefit would be you don't have to have 50 megs of jar files in your source distributions any more. Netbeans GUI stuff obviously would stay netbeans only - but just a thought... I could help with maven migration if you were interested in it - but if s
  12. the link under "sources" looks nothing like the source tree I downloaded from sourceforge. I'm trying to fix an annoying bug that has apparently been in iReport for several years based on the searches I've done. it is using a normal Hibernate configuarion - instead of an AnnotationConfiguration - this means you can't use annotationConfigurations in it. It stems from two things - one - that it is explictly using Configuration instead of AnnotationConfiguration - and two - it seems that it requires an act of diety to modify existing library dependencies in Netbeans - so that ancient version of Hibernate has probably stayed there because nobody has any idea how to dislodge it. In any case - is there a subversion url for the latest development branch? Is there any IDE other than netbeans with project files for this project?
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