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Everything posted by linker3000

  1. After a bit more research and trial and error I found that the root cause of the problem was that the slashes needed double quoting ('') Also, I ended up using a different syntax: $F{followups}.replaceAll("(?m)^[ \t]*\r?\n", "")[/code]
  2. Hi, I am trying to format a multi-line text field in a report to remove blank lines. After a bit of reading I have come up with the following regular expressions but the editor won't accept them and it throws a syntax error. Am I even close!? $F{followups}.replace("/^s*n/gm", "") or $F{followups}.replace(/(rn|n|r)/gm,"")
  3. Hi, Is there a special way to handle long text fields (with CRs) (iReport NB 3.6.0)? I am producing a report from our helpdesk software (GLPI) and although the query code works well in MYSQL Query Browser and returns the full text of the last follow-up entry as expected, iReport leaves enough space for long text fields (as if it knows how much text there is to show), but the space is empty. I think I have tried all variations of the stretch/float etc. options and have tried fixed-pitch fonts. Single line follow-ups show OK but there's just blank spaces for the rest. Thanks.
  4. Wow, the netbeans version looks slicker - but how do I modify my SQL report? It was so easy in regular 3.0 to go to "Data...Report Query." Maybe I'm just having a bad day but I have been through lots of menu options and the closest I can get is to see my initial 'select *...' in the XML file. I thought I could watch a video about this on the docs page but it's 'not found' and the only other info just refers to using the wizard. Going back to 3.0 in frustration. Can anyone help me get back on track!? Thanks Post Edited by Neil Kay at 04/01/09 09:18
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